Bose x reader

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Third Person POV

The Time Jerker and Jack Frittleman were working together to make a machine to defeat captain man and when Danger Force fought them and destroyed the machine, Y/N was still near the machine and it was about to explode but they didn't know until it was too late. Bose ran up to Y/N and Bose started crying. Everyone tried pulling him back so they could take Y/N to the hospital and Y/N was supposed to wake up but was in a coma. Bose was really sad and worried and he stopped eating and sleeping. Everyone was worried about him and he eventually stopped going on missions with them.

Time skip

It's been a week since everything happened and he went to visit you. He starts holding Y/N hand and looks at Y/N for a while and then Y/N starts waking up. "Bose?" Y/N said. He was surprised and happy. "Y/N! You're awake!" a few minutes pass and both of them were talking and then a doctor walked in and said that Y/N will be discharged and free to go. After they left the hospital, they went to go somewhere to eat since Bose hasn't eaten in a while. Then they went to Bose's house and started watching a movie. It was getting late so they were cuddling each other. A little bit later, Y/N fell asleep so Bose took Y/N to his bed and tucked Y/N. Bose whispered "I love you" and kissed Y/N's forehead. "Good night."

Sorry I took a while to make this.
And I know it's not exactly how the person that requested this wanted it to be like but I tried. I hope this is good.

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