chapter 4

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Mirajane smashes the communication lacrima, tears streaming down her beautiful face. She couldn't believe Makarov's grandson refused to help them in times of need. He didn't even care if their master was practically on his death bed.

"I don't understand. How can be someone in Fairy tail is so heartless and cruel," she whispered, shoulders shaking, "I can't just sit here and watch! I have to join the others and fight! "

"Wait, don't be ridiculous!" Cana objects, knowing full well that the woman isn't capable of fighting right now, even if she were once an s-class wizard. "What about Leila?" She tried to change the subject to stop the foolish idea running through the girl's mind.

"We haven't tried contacting her yet. Maybe she'll come. "

Mira shook her head, "No, the moment this whole war started, I immediately sent a letter to her, but she still hasn't replied."

Cana looked at the ground with a frown on her face. "How come when we're at war, our strongest wizards aren't here? What will happen to us now? "


Mystogan walks straight through the forest, with a destination in mind. His eyes focused solely on the road, causing him to not notice a sitting figure in a branch above the tree in front of him.

You watch the man walk towards you, but it seems he's too preoccupied to feel your presence. Your lips slowly form a sly smile.

You position your body correctly for you to have proper balance. You wait until he's a foot or two away from you, and then you use your legs to anchor you to the branch while your upper body dangles in front of him.


He's clearly taken by surprise because he immediately reaches for one of his staff and prepares to strike at you, but you dodge it before it makes contact with you. You swing your upper body and use the momentum to pull your body up and then jump down in front of him.

"Well, that was fun." You giggle, enjoying the shocked expression in his eyes, which is the only thing visible to you.

He releases a relieved sigh, seeing that it's just you. "Layla," he greeted you.

"Mystogan, my favorite blue-haired man." You welcomed me back. He starts to continue walking, passing you, but you immediately catch up with him and walk beside him.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?"

"Oh, come on! It's fun! "

He glances at you from the corner of his eyes and says, "I'm glad you found my reactions amusing to you." He sarcastically said, You didn't even know he could be sarcastic. You laugh at him, but it soon dies down.

"So, you also heard about it, huh?" When you ask him, your face becomes grave, your eyes narrow. It is not a common sight for you for him to not pay attention to his surroundings, so he must have something else in his mind to become preoccupied with like that.

You received a letter from Mirajane a few days ago. It contains the details of your guild's current situation, and it did not make you happy, but seeing that you're in the middle of a mission, you've got no time to reply. So you immediately finish it and head home to assist your guildmates through this war. You were just resting after a whole day of walking when you saw Mystogan.

"Yes, I did." He confirmed it. "I also heard about Masters' condition." You hummed back as a reply.

"I have a plan," you announce. You heard his footsteps stop, causing you to stop as well.

Written Names • Laxus Dreyar ϟWhere stories live. Discover now