Heavens Above

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Gonna make this poem personal
Cause I don't think a lot of people understand where I've been
God basically rescued me from my own captivity
It all started from when

I was struggling to love myself
I was addicted to sex and porn
Yeah those things used to be fun on the outside
But the inside of me mourned

So insecure from things that has happened
I needed some type of assurance
Pleading with my Lord and Savior
Apologizing for being so ignorant

I've been betrayed by people
And I also hurt people that I cared for
I was feeling super desperate
Wanted to treat people better and live godly to the core

Although I'm doing great now
There's still certain things I must work on and get rid of
Friends I'm telling you what I know
Do what I did and call to the Heavens above

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