There Was An Atempt

586 16 2

"sup" - normal talking
"AAAAAA" - tougths
Consume - angry/pleased

As a hardcore enemy i noticed i was kinda broken........ But that not important for now

Day 2.terraria

Much like any terraria player i started to mine or just find shit underground
While happy was away.... I stole his copper pick axe and started mining, țin, Iron, gold, tungsten, and lead

God a bunch ant made like.... 2 ingots with of each ore.... (with happy's furnace)

I ate the țin.....

[+1 df]

Thats it?....

I consumed the iron more slowly

[ + 3 df]
[ + 2 ștreng]

Not bad i guees....

This Time i took some time to eat the gold

[ + 2 df]
[ + 1 speed]

Thats..... Kinda shit Not gonna lie
Buț better than nothing,

The same happened to The tungsten

[ + 5 df]
[ + 3 ștreng]
[ + 1 speed]

My stats are reaching their limit....

[ Skill rock skin has improved due to eating metal and ore alike]
[ skill migth be able to evolve later after the consuption of better metals]

Not bad not bad at all

After my mining and eating sesion i decided some simple spelunking would do the job i found a normal underground house this Time
LETS see here

Hermes boots
A health potion.... And..... Some flares

Not bad for a first house

More spelunking later.... Regular cave monsters, zombies, annoying bats here and there

Found a life crystal at The botom a underground lake

Ate some fish

[ + 1 speed]

Îl reach max speed soon

IT was 60 as the stat limit

I have about 52 speed

And most of my stat shoud be about 40 or more by now....

Guees that a goal to keep în mind

Day 3

Happy was still gone so i was training for The entire day to form my AV into difrent element..... Also fallen stars for mana crystals

Ate some zombies

[ user stamina improved]

Another way to get stronger...

Aniways i did manage to make exo skeleton type spell with AV while on the spelunking trip

Hmmmm.... Now what!

I guees lets kill while the nigth still young..... And eat.... Or just improve in general

I hunted cave bats to finaly max ouț speed (those litle fuckers were hard to catch....)

I also made a work bench with the wood i have left and a furnace from my remaining stone

New life as a simbiote..... OH DEAR LORD [DISCONTINUED FOR REAL THIS TIME] Where stories live. Discover now