22. Meeting the moms (Henry Mills)

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Henry's POV

"Henry? Did you even listen to what I said?" Mom asked, as we were having a family day. Both my moms were here, my grandparents, Killian and a few other people. "Oh uh yes ofcourse mom." I chuckled nervous, as I obviously didn't hear her. "Then what did I say?" She asked stubborn, as she always is. "Something about Grannys?" I asked, making it up for sure. "No Henry, you really spend way too much time on your phone." She sighed, as it was actually true.

I have a girlfriend now, since one month. Her name is Y/n, and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. We are both in the same class, and I know her already for years, but I never dared to talk to her. A while ago she walked over to me, and asked me to go to the ball together, and I said yes ofcourse. She is really the kindest girl ever, and we do a lot of fun stuff. We watch a lot of movies, I teach her how to swordfight, we secretly go horseriding and we just spend every weekend together.

My moms don't know about us, because I'm not sure how they would react. I am eighteen years old now, but they are still very protective over me and perhaps ruin things. They would embarras me infront of Y/n, or maybe they won't accept her. Y/n also has magic, like both my moms, but she doesn't use it that often. She can control light magic, which she got from her mom, and it is just really cool.

"I just text with my friends a lot." I said, partly lying about it. "Which friends?" Killian asked, which sounded quite rude. "I do have friends Killian." I mumbled, as I sighed deep. "I know lad, just curious who your friends are." He shrugged, as he looked at mom. "It is fine, you can text your friends but also pay attention to other important stuff." Emma said, as she smiled lightly at me. "I will.."

Later on I went upstairs, to talk with my girlfriend. Everyone was still here, but we were resting after we did swim a lot, so I was allowed to go to my room. "Henry? Can we talk?" I heard mom ask, as she knocked on my door. "Sure, come in!" I yelled, as I put my phone away. "Hey kid." Emma smiled, as she sat down on my bed. "Hi mom, something wrong?" I asked slightly worried, as I hold her hand. "No.. I'm just wondering why you lied to us." She said, sounding a bit disappointed. "Lie? About?" I asked, acting like I had no idea. "You said you were texting your friends, but you were lying." She said stubborn, while looking pretty stern at me. "So?" I sighed softly, as I was afraid she would get mad if I told her the truth.

"Tell me the truth Henry, and tell me why you lied." She said, as she looked straight into my eyes. "Fine... I have a girlfriend." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear it right away. "A girlfriend? Who?" She said suprised, but I was not sure if she was happy about it. "Her name is Y/n, and I know her from school." I said, as I started to blush badly. "Is she a nice girl?" Mom asked, as she hold my hand. "The nicest ever, and she is a badass like Killian and she is just amazing." I smiled excited, as it was the honest truth. "Sounds great kid, when can I meet her?"

Y/n's POV

Two days later

"Hey, are you sure they are gonna like me?" I asked a bit insecure, as I knew his moms from stories. I have seen them a couple of times, but I never really met them. Henry said that Regina was kinda strict and protective, if it comes to girlfriends. And Emma was sweet, interested but also slightly protective. I do get it, I would be the same if I became a mom one day, but I just hope they will accept us and won't make my life so hard.

"They will love you, I promise." He smiled wide, as he pecked my lips shortly. "I hope so, I'm kinda nervous." I chuckled softly, while holding his hand tight. "I know love, but it's gonna be okay." He smiled wide, as he walked into the house, looking all sure about himself and us.

"Oh hi, you must be Y/n." Regina smiled, which looked a bit fake. "I am, Nice to meet you." I smiled wide, as I shook her hand. "Come in, Emma is here too." She smiled lightly, as Henry and I followed her to the kitchen, where we would have some dinner. "Hey, I'm Y/n." I smiled at Emma, as I also shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Emma." She smiled wide, while both of his moms checked me out a little. I sat down next to Henry and I felt a bit uncomforable, as they both kept looking at me. "So, wanna know how we met?" Henry asked his moms, as we also started to eat already.

"Ofcourse, tell us all about it." Regina smiled at him, as she also kept an eye on me. Henry started to talk about a lot, mostly about the past years and how he kept staring at me throughout the years. He told them about me taking the first step, when I asked him to prom and how we went on our first date. I loved our first date, as we went picknicking and we played games and we did sing a lot actually. "Sounds lovely, the two of you." Emma smiled wide, as she also looked at me.

"Yeah she is great, and I hope you both accept her too.." Henry smiled weak, as he was actually afraid they wouldn't. Not because of me, but because of them, as they are very protective over him. "I do, you seem like a great girl and Henry really likes you so." Emma smiled at me, as she hold my hand supportive. "What about you mom?" Henry asked Regina, who was wandering off a bit. "I uh.. I like her so it's fine." She smiled a bit, as she also gave me an honest smile.

"Thankyou so much, I promise I will do anything for Henry." I smiled happy, as I looked over at him. "And I would do anything for you."

Another one shot! I hope you like this one and hopefully I will write more soon :)

Xx Melissa

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