37. Kiss my ass (Peter Pan)

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Requested by -MILKY-BUNNY hope you will like it x
Y/n's POV

"Goodmorning Darling, enjoying yourself up there?" I heard the most annoying voice cry out, the voice of Peter Pan. The boy I hate the most, the one that's already keeping me here for weeks, maybe even longer. I wasn't sure, he wouldn't tell.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at the ground through my cage, a wooden cage he would lock me in whenever he thought I was misbehaving. I always was, I just utterly hate him that bad that I couldn't even say a nice word once. He kidnapped me, he can't expect love and kisses from the last girl he would ever see in his life. The rest would probably die, die of the sight of his ugly bratty face. I spit at him, aiming at his forehead and it landing perfectly. I laughed softly and smirked at him, karma it is. "You wanna be up there for longer missy?!"

I kept laughing to myself, sometimes it felt like I was the female version of him. I observed him all those weeks, and an attitude was clearly there. He was always moody and bossy, thinking he's the best out there. He's not, I am way better than him. At least I would be nice to people when they deserve it, he treats them like shit. They, the lost boys, were nothing but slaves to him. If they died, he wouldn't care, at all. He would just get another one, a replacement. I wanted to correct him, maybe letting him shown his real identity and see that he's wrong. He needs to change for the better, but no one could change Pan.

"Kiss my ass Peter! I prefer being up here forever instead of standing there next to your ugly ass." I yelled at him, seeing his confused face making me laugh even more. I knew he didn't know what to do with me, with the only girl that would fight back. I heard about other girls before, the other boys told me, and it wasn't much good. I did like some lost boys, sometimes they would come and talk to me at night or when Peter wasn't around. They explained about previous girls, that were locked up by Peter and later on killed when they weren't any use anymore. It made me sick as I was picturing it in my mind.

"You're the ugly bitch here, not me. I'm getting you down now, I have a task for you Y/n." Pan grinned as he brought my cage down to the ground, making me sigh. Even though the cage was hurting my whole body, I preferred it over being with Peter somewhere ever. He grabbed my arm tight and dragged me along, but I wouldn't just give in. I put my feet in the soaking wet ground and put all my weight on it, annoying him to the fullest. I grinned and watched his face, getting more angry than he already was.

"Stop that, or I will kill you right now." He hissed at me as he brought his face inches close, surprising me. "Ew, your breath smells horrible." I blurt out with a disgusted expression on my face, I wasn't wrong about this one. Smelling like fish, all they ever ate was fish or grapes. Disgusting, that's what he was. "Shut your mouth Orphan, I bet I smell better than your bush down there." He groaned as he kicked my legs as a sign to walk again, and eventually I did. "You don't know how it smells, and you won't ever find out. So disgusting, pervert." I mumbled as I was a bit flustered by him, he never said such things.

"Bet you want me to, everyone wants me." He smirked as he checked me out quickly, I wasn't sure if he was messing with me or not. "I would rather chew off my foot, I'm serious." I frowned as we walked into camp, each and everyone looking at us right away. Some were staring, some were frowning confused but Felix was chuckling. I quite liked him, he was better than Peter but he always listened to him, even though he didn't always wanted to. I knew, he told me about it when they got into a fight. Later on he pretended nothing had been said, like I was lying about it.

"Goodluck with that, makes you even more ugly." He spoke as he pushed me towards the middle of the group, all eyes focused on me. The only girl on the island, the easiest target they would say, but they are all wrong. They don't know all of me, they don't know I can fight like the best and kill them if I had to. I didn't want to, I only wanted Peter dead. He was a demon, he didn't have a proper soul that could be cared for. He was pure evil, and I hate Evil. "Like you yes. I prefer your best friend anyway." I smirked as I winked at Felix, him blushing badly and looking away, cute.

"Battle time everyone! Everyone can fight against this ugly creature, against Y/n. Let out your anger boys, it's time." Peter smirked as everyone started to cheer, they would die for a battle now and then. Some of them were looking unsure, the ones that were close to being my friends here. Peter underestimates me, underestimates girls. I grinned back at him, oh how I would love to beat his ass. I kept looking his way, waiting for him to say something.

"What Y/n?" He rolled his eyes annoyed as he asked, impatient for battle. I smirked and cleared my throat, making sure everyone would listen to me.

"I want you to fight me first, to start battle. We shall see who wins. Don't underestimate me Peter, before you know it you're dead and I, Y/n Y/l/n would be the new leader of the island." I spoke out loudly and I heard some cheers, cheers for an unforgettable battle between the king of Neverland and the lost girl.

"Let's see darling, let's see."

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