Battle of the sexes

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Cyborg walked into the main room of the tower. He had been hiding in his room all day. But as his stomach began to rumble, he decided it was time to venture out into the kitchen.

He walked over to the fridge and pulled out some leftover pizza, before sticking it in the microwave. As his food heated up, he turned around and faced the table island, watching in disgust as Starfire fed Robin some chocolate covered strawberries.

This was the main reason why he had been hiding in his room. The tower was full of publicized affection at a nauseating amount.

The microwave beeped and Cyborg grabbed his pizza, carrying it over to the couch. He had no interest in watching the two love birds feed one another while he ate.

He sat down on the large sofa, next to Raven and Beast Boy as they watched tv. But unfortunately, the couple next to him weren't much better.

Yes, their affection was a lot more subtle. But that didn't mean it was any less revolting.

Currently Raven was sitting with a book open in front of her, while Beast Boy laid with his chest sprawled out on her lap as he watched tv. Raven's hand was lightly coaming through the changeling's hair, causing him to purr contently.

Between that, and the sound of Starfire giggling from the table, Cyborg had had enough.

"That's it!" He shouted, standing up, causing everyone to turn to him in alarm.

"What's your problem?" Raven asked.

"Is something wrong?" Starfire questioned.

"Yes! This!" Cyborg answered, gesturing to the two at the counter. "And this!" He added, motioning at the two on the couch. "I can't seem to get away from the kissing, and giggling, and purrs..." He said, glaring at Beast Boy specifically, causing the changeling to stick his tongue out in response.

"Oh, lighten up, Cyborg." Robin told him.

"No, I will not lighten up. I don't think either of you could go five minutes without some sort of physical affection." Cyborg informed them, crossing his arms.

"That's bit of an overreaction." Robin spoke.

"Yeah, I could totally go longer than five minutes. -Raven, why did you stop?" Beast Boy suddenly whined at the lack of petting he was receiving on his head.

Raven rolled her eyes before continuing, completely disregarding the argument around her.

"See! This is what I'm saying." Cyborg said, gesturing again. "I don't think any of you can control yourself from touching the other."

"Now you're just being ridiculous." Robin said, shaking his head.

"You want to wager that?" Cyborg inquired with a smirk.

"Bring it on." Robin responded confidently.

"Okay, let's call it a Battle of the Sexes. Let's see which gender can restrain from touching the other." Cyborg grinned, crossing his arms again.

"Oh, this is going to be easy." Robin sneered.

"Oh, you think so, Robin?" Starfire enquired, as she turned to face him.

"I'm sorry Star, but you are always the instigator." Robin informed her.

"I disagree." She huffed, crossing her arms.

Cyborg continued to smirk. "Oh, this is going to be entertaining." He said mischievously to himself. "Okay, here are the rules. No hand holding, No hugging, No Feeding each other." He said glaring at the two in the kitchen. "No Petting." He said turning to the two on the couch, causing Beast Boy to sit up with an annoyed huff. "And definitely, No Kissing."

"This is going to be easy." Beast Boy commented confidently.

Cyborg laughed. "Dude, I will put money on you that you will cave first!"

"I'll have you know; Raven can't keep her hands off me." Beast Boy responded, causing Raven to turn and stare at him, lifting her brow. "So, I will accept that bet." He finished.

"Done." Cyborg smiled. "The first gender to engage in physical contact loses." He classified, as the couples stared competitively at one another. "And BB. Get your wallet ready, cause you're going down first." Cyborg smirked, causing Beast Boy to scuff loudly.


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