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Day 1


Cyborg enjoyed every minute of the quiet tower that day.

He finally felt like he could walk around freely, without any disgusting disruption of affection. It started to feel like the old days, back when they were young teenagers, and the room was filled with sexual tension, but no one was acting on it.

Cyborg walked around the main room. He couldn't help but smile at his friends noticeably keeping their distance from one another, clearly avoiding any temptations. He could almost cut the tension with a knife, and it caused him to chuckle quietly at his friend's expense.

He could see Starfire occasionally looking up from her sitting position on the center cushion of the couch, to glance at Robin from across the room. She was clearly uncomfortable with the distance between them.

Cyborg suddenly leaned over her shoulder, a smile on his face. "How you doing, Star?"

Startled, the alien quickly straightened her composure. "I am fine, thank you." She said, returning the smile.

But he knew she was tipping over the edge.

Cyborg then looked over at his other friend, who was on the near end of the couch. Beast Boy was much more visibly uncomfortable, as he looked at the floor, fiddling with his fingers.

"How you doing, BB?" Cyborg smirked, moving to lean over his shoulder.

"Shut up!" Beast Boy barked back in irritation.

"You can leave my money on the table if you break in the middle of the night." Cyborg informed him, before standing up straight, and walking over to Robin.

Robin sat at the base of the window, looking out at the ocean view.

Cyborg knew he was going to be hard to break. The leader was particularly good at dealing with temptations. And his competitive attribute made winning the wager more tempting than kissing his girlfriend.

"Starfire sure looks nice today." Cyborg commented, but Robin continued his stoic demeanor. "Her lips look so soft and... kissable." He added, but Robin remained unfazed.

"I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work." Robin informed him.

"We'll see." Cyborg sneered. "Its only day one." He commented, before heading towards the main doors, leaving the room.

Not too long after Cyborg had left, did Starfire get up from the couch. She did one final glance at Robin, before letting out a small sigh, leaving the room as well.

Once she was gone, Robin let out a long held in breath, before looking towards the door she departed from. He might have looked calm and collected, but on the inside, temptation was building.

He struggled with the strong scent of her sweet perfume, and the adorable pout she was giving from the couch, when she thought no one was looking. And her soft lips looked so enticing, as if they were begging to be kissed.

Robin got up from his perch on the window seal, before stomping towards the common doors. It was only eight, but he was ready to call it a night, the struggle of the day tiring him mentally.

On the couch Beast Boy was clearly uncomfortable. He felt like an addict, going through withdrawal. Starfire was acting as a good barrier between Raven and himself. But now that she was gone; the temptation was all the more present.

He breathed heavily as he couldn't help but glance over to the other end of the couch.

Raven sat relaxed, a book open in front of her, as she read contently. He wanted to yell at her for not playing fair, for taunting him with her presence. When she delicately lifted her hand up, tucking her hair behind her ear.

The reason for the action was to move her hair out of her line of sight, but all he noticed was that she exposed her neck to him. Revealing one of his favorite places to press his lips against.

A slight whimper left his throat as he fidgeted in his seat, until he couldn't take it anymore...

"OKAY I CAVE!" He suddenly yelled, startling her as he bolted forward! He quickly cupped his hands around her face, pressing his lips against hers, in a much-desired kiss.


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