The Pounding of the Heart

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What was he talking about? Like him? Like as a friend?! "Hahaha" I just started laughing out loud because I didn't know what to say. Why couldn't my heart stop pounding?!" Ok Gojou, put me down now." I say trying to push him away. While I push him away he just looks at me smiling,then he just start humming. What song was he humming?

Was his voice just as beautiful as his eyes and face? Wait why am I asking these questions?! And why are they about Gojou?!  I place my hand on my chest, thinking that it would stop the loud pounding. But it didn't, it kept going and going and wouldn't stop! " Kichona, do you like the song I'm humming?" He asks looking in my eyes.

He called me by my first name AGAIN! I avoid eye contact and say " well I don't know what song that is so" I was trying not to say anything to him in general.... but I can't do that in this case can I? He chuckles then let's me down and then saids " I'll walk you home."  I was feeling very uncomfortable.

I didn't know what to say for the comment he said . What does he mean" I like him" I'm not comprehending. I accidentally slap my head. I then just see him starring at me. " You're acting pretty strange" he said whistling while walking funny. I accidentally shout " WELL WHO WOULDN'T AFTER THE COMMET YOU JUST MADE!"  I shouted really loud too.

He then comes over to me and leans over to my ear. " Is it because you like me?" He whispers. I cover my ear and blush. Is he still on about that?! " let's just walk me home" I say walking ahead. I suddenly feel a grip behind me on my hand. I turn around and it was Gojou....luckily. "Let's grab something to eat first." He said laughing. So we walk to the cafe first.

We get a seat at the cafe and wait until someone comes around. I try to focus on something else because I could FEEL Gojou starring at me! I finally bang on the table and scream " is there some thing you want?!" Everyone started starring at me. I sit back down embarrassed. I look up at Gojou and he points smiling. The waitress was standing right there.

I felt so stupid. "I'm so sorry" I say laughing. " I would like 2 vanilla long Johns and any drink will do. Gojou orders and the girl isn't even paying attention! She's too busy looking at him to even write anything down! The waitress walks away blushing. " tsk" I say looking down. Gojou looks at me and saids " wow you're fat".  I look quickly towards him and say "  what's that suppose to mean?!". He starts laughing.

The waitress finally comes back and asks Gojou "I'm sorry, what drink did you want again?" Are you serious?! " I'm pretty sure you would've remembered if you wasn't to busy looking at his cock" I whispered. She looks down at me yelled " excuse me?!" I look up. I accidentally let that out but no point. " I'm sorry, did you hear that? I didn't mean it!" I say all sarcastic like. She blushes and asks him again.

"It's alright, just give me what you're giving her.  She walks away as she glares at me. " you're pretty mean you know that" he said jiggling the sugar on the table. I look up to him and said " was she not?" . " I mean I already noticed, but why do you care?" He asked giving me a smirk. "I-" the waitress showed up with our order. " thanks lady" said Gojou. I stare at him but suddenly I feel something up my leg.

It was his foot! His foot suddenly hits inside my skirt. I jolt in the seat. " is something wrong ma'am?" She said with a cold look in her eyes. I didn't look at her nor answer because I was blushing and had an attitude at the same time. "She's fine" Gojou said pushing his leg farther. Jeez! How long is this man's leg? " Oh ok" she answers looking at him all lovey like again!

He looks at me and touches know ... my clit! I start to blush even more and try to push his foot off. " You can go now" he said smiling. She walks off again and he took his foot down. He leans towards me as I pant on the table. " Did having her right there while I was doing that to you turn you on?" He asks smirking. I quickly got up and said " of course not!" He chuckles and said "you have a little slob on the side of your mouth."

I touch the side of my mouth and he was right. I snatch a napkin and wipe it off quickly. I start eating my donut while looking down. I couldn't look at him. My heart started uncontrollably pounding hard again. "Is the donut good?" He said drinking his tea. He also had cake with him and for some reason he took off his mask again.

"Is this how you want me to lick you?" I blush and get up

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"Is this how you want me to lick you?" I blush and get up. " I'm going to the bathroom!" I say holding my chest. I could hear him laughing behind me! I go to the bathroom and went to the sink. I splash water on face and tell myself get it to together. But that waitress keeps looking at him like that and he keeps tempting me. *Gasp* I grab my chest and say
" I guess I do like him"

What do I do? I don't have good history with boys. I go out the bathroom and the waitress was talking to him and touching his fucking shoulder! Gojou sees me and was about to say something, but I interrupted him and grabbed 12 dollars out my pocket. I push her aside, grab his arm and pulled him, and slammed money on the table. I stomped me and Gojou out the cafe with an attitude.

*Gasp* I grabbed him without really thinking about it. I turn around toward him and he's smirking. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to a alley. " Is there something you wanna say?"  He said getting closer . I look to the side not saying anything. He loosens his grip on my waist and wraps his hand around my neck. He leans to my ear and saids " are you sure?" He licks my ear then nibbles on it.

"Mmh" I accidentally let out a sound! He chuckles and kisses me. He put his tongue in my mouth and I unconsciously do it back. Slob was going down my mouth. The grip on neck from his hand was so warm! I didn't want him to let go. I couldn't breath. He stops kissing me and bit my lip leaving a mark. He then kisses my neck biting and sucking. "Owww" I accidentally moan.

He looks up at me and puts his fingers in my mouth. He swirls them letting more and more slob come down my mouth. I stared licking them back, they tasted so good! They tasted like the cake he ate in the cafe. I licked them uncontrollably as if they were like a lollipop. He  gets up from my neck and asks " are they that good?"  I couldn't answer.

" You know're looking really sexy right now." He takes his fingers out leaving me with slob on my chin. He grabs my butt bringing me closer. He licks my lips and kisses me again. He rips my shirt and starts sucking the upper part of my chest. "Ngh". He was sucking so hard! I grab his hair accidentally pulling him in. He pulls from me watching me pant.

"Shall we go to my house instead?"

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