You can have me

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So me and Gojou are dating now. A lot of things happened yesterday. It's strange how the process went but I'm happy, and I'm still getting use to us being together. He's on a task so he's not here. But I can't let this relationship get in the way of my work.  This time I have to go back to the kids I was mentoring. I didn't report what Oji did because I still think he's a little kid and deserves a second chance.

After Gojou brought me to his house, things got a little wild and I had to stay over his house. In the morning I woke up wayyy before 3 hours before he did. I was till up when he was but I wouldn't get up, I wouldn't talk or anything. I was too embarrassed and was still in the process of processing what just happened. To be honest, I think he knew I was awake the whole time.

Because after he woke up 15 minutes later he touched me waist and said " You're still not gonna say anything

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Because after he woke up 15 minutes later he touched me waist and said " You're still not gonna say anything."  That was even more embarrassing.
I STILL didn't say anything as I was pretending to be asleep, but that didn't work on him. He turned me over to where I was facing him and asked " so how was it?". I covered my face because I didn't want him to see my face was burning up so much.!

But I still had to say something or else it would be awkward. " it was good I guess". He laughed and took my hands off my face. But does this count as a one-night stand? But I actually like him.... My mood was starting to get gloomy the more I thought about it. He put my chin up and smiled. " Are you overthinking?" He said tilting his head. I looked at him and I couldn't lie.

" be honest.... what are we?" I asked as my heart beated out of my chest. He looked at me for a few seconds... there was a long pause.  At that point I  got really nervous and started to get out the bed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the bed. He got closer and said " are you asking me out". I couldn't believe he said that so easily.... I was speechless. I really didn't know what to say at that point.

" So I guess that's a yes" he said smirking . He pulled me close to him and said "You can have me" he kissed me on the forehead. Suddenly tears started coming out my eyes. " What's wrong?!" Gojou saids in a panic. I started laughing and crying at the same time because my heart couldn't take being so close to him. Gojou hurried off the bed to get me a tissue.

I covered my eyes because he was still naked. He turns around and saids " why're you covering your eyes". He looks down and look back up at me, grinning.... he runs towards me and hugs me. "LET ME GO!" I yell. This was so weird! " C'mon Kichona, I'm just gonna wipe your tears." He said rubbing his thing against me. " you know good and well you're tryna do something else" I cried trying to push him away.

"Fine" he said handing me the tissue. He went to his side of the bed and put his underwear and pants on. I wipe my tears and look at him and think " how can that be mine?" He smiles and pats me on my head. " Let's go to the school...we have something to do." I run to the bathroom and put some cloths on. And that's what led to here.

I have to meet up with him soon. Principal Yaga told me he had something to tell me, he also put my mentoring on hold. I rush to where he was and knock on the door. He tells me to come in and I close the door. " Ms. Hoshi before you go and meet with Gojou, there's something I need to warn you about." He said in a serious tone. Uh oh. This was making me a little nervous.

" you have to listen you already know, Gojou is known throughout all sorcerers. There are a lot of people after him. You're job is to stay a distance from him and get rid of any nuisance" he explained. I tilt my head. Was it really that serious? And can't Gojou protect himself?! " I know what you're thinking... Of course he can get rid of them himself, but he has his own job to do" he explained more.

Wow he really did know what I was thinking. " this is very serious so take it seriously." He said starring death into me. " how will he know I arrived?" I ask. " I'll give you earpiece, he already has his. It will pick a signal as soon as you're in range." Yaga said. That's advanced... I guess. So I need to hurry and meet him. I run out the building because I was already a little late, it was already in the afternoon.

It's been about an hour since I left the building I should be in a close enough range. " hello?" I hear in my ear. It scares me and I drop to the ground, then I realize that it must've been Gojou. I hold the earpiece and say " Gojou?" He laughs and tells me it's him. " so what job are you exactly doing?" I ask while still looking for suspicious people.

" I can't tell you that, it's not for me to tell just yet." He said with wind in his background. I was a little bummed but I knew it wasn't his fault. I hear something. " Gojou hold on, I hear something. "
I stop and still heard the footsteps that weren't mine. I stay still for a couple of seconds and the footsteps stopped. They must've realized that I already noticed them. I look in all my directions but they were still nowhere to be seen.

Of course.... they're trying to track Gojou so they must be elite. But wait... if they're trying to track him.... why did they stop when I stopped? Something obviously wasn't right here. To cure my curiosity I start running again to see if they will. I ran for about 10 minutes and they started to move again. What the hell is going on?! Are they trying to track me or Gojou?!

Principal Yaga said they wanted Gojou, so why in the world are they tracking MY footsteps. "Kichona!" Gojou screams in my ear. It startled me because I forgot he was there, but I didn't make much of an reaction. " someone's tracking my footsteps" I whisper trying not to be to loud. " why're they following you?" He said in a confused tone.

"  I don't know either....." I say still trying to find the person following me. " Kichona.... do you need me to go back there for you to find this person?" He said concerned. Awwwww he's worried about me, this is the first time he's shown actual concern for me. *Gasp* I slap my face and say " Kichona, this is neither the time or place for this." " Time and place for what?" He said in my ear. Shoot! I forgot he could hear me.

"Gojou there is no need for you to come back here, I can handle this on my own." I say in a serious tone. " But..."  I cut him off. " No buts.... if you can't  tell me what you're job is, then it's obviously important for Principal Yaga.... so don't mess up!" I yell. I actually didn't mean to yell. I look over and still no one was there. " ok I'll talk to you later do you're best!" I say taking out the earpiece. That person must've heard my last sentence since I yelled.

Maybe he or she now knows I was in communication with someone. I just start to walk slow so the person can eventually come out... I was tired of waiting. I hear a gun shot and I fall to my knees. I hear a voice and I look over me. There was this strange person. They said " here I am!" I come to my senses and get up...

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