chapter four

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Chapter 4 - Derek

4 years ago

"She was my breath of fresh air. My soft place to land. She was home to me."

Her lips press against mine. They're soft, delicate. Forbidden.
"I love you," she whispers, her breath brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. She loves me.
My hand makes its way up her back. I entangle my fingers in her hair, and tug lightly, causing a small moan to escape from her mouth before reconnecting her lips with mine.
"Hello?" A violent knock at the door sends us both to our feet, scrambling to throw our clothes on. "Hello? Other people need to sleep!" I yank open the door as Meredith throws herself on a bunk, pretending to be asleep, revealing a very pissed off Bailey.
"Oh, sorry, Bailey. I guess I accidentally locked it. Habit, you know?" A nervous chuckle escapes my mouth as I rub the back of my neck, hoping she wouldn't question me any further.
"Mhm," she mumbles, slightly pushing me to the side. "Now, move, I've been-" Shes suddenly cut off by a loud beeping noise.
"Aw, crap." Bailey pulls the pager closer to her face to read it, squinting her eyes as she does so, before running off down the hallway.
"Well, that was close." I sigh, quickly shutting and locking the door as Meredith sneaks into my embrace.
"You're a terrible liar." She giggles slightly, laying her head on my chest before closing her eyes. God, I love that laugh of hers. I love the way she smells. The way she breathes. I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose her.
"I know, Mer. I know."


"Dr. Shepherd, could I get a quick consult?" Robbins asks. I nod, following her into the small, dark room.
"Cole Addams, 10 years old. Diagnosed with non-resectable, metastatic gastric cancer and they want us to resect it. I was getting updated scans for Dr.- Uh, the doctors on his case and it seems it's spread to his spine."
I sit down, getting a closer look at the screen before sighing.
"It's everywhere. His stomach, spine, esophagus. If you go in there you could leave him paralyzed or even kill him. There's not much I can do here, Arizona. I'm sorry."
"They want us to do the surgery anyway. His parents know the risks and they want to go through with it anyway. Listen, I wouldn't have even said anything to you if there were someone better. I need you. Please, Derek." I sigh, leaning back in the chair I'm occupying and covering my face.
"Fine. Where's his chart?"

A/N: hello my loves. i kinda forgot abt this story and account really until someone mentioned it in the gc lmfao. anyways uhhh sorry for being gone so long hopefully ill be able to post more often :)

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