chapter one

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Chapter 1 - Meredith

4 years ago

"I still remember the day we first met. There was love all around you and me."

"Yang, Stevens, you're in the clinic, O'Malley is with Burke, Grey, you're with Shepherd, and Karev you're with Sloan. Let's go people. Rounds start in 10."
I quickly walk out of the locker room, putting my hair up as I run down the hallway in search of Dr. Shepherd.
"Dr. Shepherd?"
He looks at me glaringly before rolling his eyes.
"Go away."
"I'm Dr. Grey. I'm on your service today, sir." He groans loudly before turning around.
"Well, since you're here, take Emma Murray to get a head CT. Page me when you're finished."
I nod before grabbing her chart, quickly going over it as I walk to her room.

"As you can see, Emma has Hydrocephalus, which is a condition where there is an abnormal build up of CSF in the ventricles of her brain. The build-up is often caused by an obstruction that prevents proper fluid drainage. Emma was born with a blockage in the cerebral aqueduct, which caused the disease to occur."
"What's your diagnoses?"
"Measure head size regularly. If there are any abnormalities in head size, we will run further diagnostic tests."
"Thank you, Dr. Grey. Dixon, page Dr. Robbins. Ask her to send her intern to get the kid and monitor her head size. Dr. Grey, come with me." I nod obediently, following Dr. Shepherd down the hallway like a puppy.
We stopped in front of the nurses station, everyone staring at us, waiting for him to yell at me. He's always yelling at interns. It's what he's known for. But, instead, when he turns back to me, he's smiling. Or smirking, rather.
"You know, you're the first intern I've had all week that isn't a complete moron." I smile lightly at his mediocre attempt at a complement. "Are you doing anything later? I mean, uh, a couple of friends and I, we're going to Joe's. I was wondering if you'd like to come." The question caught me off guard, but, before I knew it, I was nodding my head and saying yes. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Before I could make up some lame excuse to get me out of the hole I've dug myself, he sped away without a word.


"Ma'am, we're about to take off, you need to fasten your seatbelt."
The cold metal clips click together around my waste, trapping me inside, taking me to him. I had swore to myself I would never go back there, and yet, somehow, here I am, soaring though the air in a giant metal box, flying to the place I've envied for the past year.
There's no turning back now.

A/N: hey guys!! I'm so sorry for this long wait. I'm also sorry if anything is incorrect, as I am not a medical professional. Anyways I hope you have a great day. Thanks for reading. Ily all sm ❤️

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