chapter two

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Chapter 2 - Meredith

4 years ago

"Just because you're a nice guy doesn't mean you're a good man."

"Well, are you going to go?" Cristina asked. I sighed.
"I don't know. I mean, he invited me. It would be rude not to go, right? If I go, it might be awkward, but if I don't go, I'll get treated like shit all week."
"I think you should go; figure out what the devil does on his days off." Christina chuckles lightly as the other interns nodded in agreement.
"Come on, he isn't that bad. He's actually kind of nice," I say before shoving a french fry into my mouth.
"Then go! Mer, how often is it that you get a chance to hang out with the big dogs? Do you know how great of an opportunity this is? Plus, if you get in his pants, that'll mean a lot more cool surgeries." Cristina is cut off by a fry hitting her eyebrow. "Hey!"
"Well, stop being disgusting."
"Cristina is right Meredith. You should totally go. Plus, if you don't go, it might hurt his feelings." Izzie always worries about people's feelings.
"Yeah. Okay, I'll go. I have to go, he's paging me." I quickly get up and go to find Dr. Shepherd.


I walk out of the airport doors, the cold rain hitting my soft skin. That's one thing I don't miss about Seattle: the rain. I quickly throw my luggage into the back seat of the taxi before hopping in. "Seattle Grace Hospital, please."
"Here you go, Miss." I nod at the driver before handing him his cash and getting my bags. I step out of the bright yellow vehicle and onto the sidewalk. Taking a look around, I see a bright green sign flashing across the street. The Emerald City Bar - Joe's bar.
I take a deep breath before walking across the street.

4 years ago

The familiar scent of cigarettes and booze hit me like a ton of bricks as I slowly open the door of the bar.
"Meredith!" My head snaps across the bar, my eyes barely adjusted to the dim lighting, and see Dr. Shepherd waving me over.
"Hello, Dr. Shepherd." I blush lightly before sitting down on the bar stool. "Where are your friends?"
"Please, call me Derek," he chuckles. "They should be here any minute. They got held up at the hospital with a patient." I nod.
"Let me buy you a drink. What would you like?"
"Tequila," I say, maybe a little too fast. Damn, now he's going to think I'm an alcoholic or something. He chuckles lightly before telling the bartender.
"Ya know, I never would've pegged you as a tequila type of girl," he says, raising his left eyebrow.
"That's the thing, Derek: I can't be pegged. I'm unpeggable."
"You're unpeggable?"
"Yes." I giggle lightly, taking a quick glance at him out of the corner of my eye before downing a shot.


I open the door to the bar slowly, hearing the familiar bell that indicated that someone has entered the bar.
"Joe?" His head snaps up from what he was doing, and he smiles.
"Meredith!" He walks over to me with his arms open before pulling me into his embrace. "I haven't seen you in years!"
"It hasn't been that long," I giggle.
"Yeah, but it feels like it. Why are you here?" He asks as he finally let's go of me.
"I have a case at Seattle Grace." He looks at me with a worried expression.
"Have you seen him?" I quickly shake my head no.
"No, I haven't. I'm hoping to avoid him at all costs."

4 years ago

I wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom, my head pounding and my vision blurry.
"Hello?" I call out. No answer. I get up out of the bed and walk around to the door, opening it gently, trying not to make much noise.
Walking downstairs, I hear a noise in, what I assume is, the kitchen, and slowly begin making my way over to the room.
"Hello?" I call as I push open the door to the kitchen. A man with curly brown hair turns around to look at me. Derek.
"Oh, hi." My face turns a dark shade of red as my eyes travel down to his bare chest.
"You got really drunk last night, and, since I don't know where you live, I just brought you here. Don't worry, I slept on the couch," Derek explains. I nod before sitting on one of the bar stools. I guess he isn't as bad as everyone thought he was.


"Do you want me to make you anything? A burger, a margarita?" Joe chuckles lightly at his last statement, remembering how I used to love tequila. Used to.
"A water is fine, thanks. I haven't drank since..." I stop before I finish my sentence, thinking back to that awful day that occurred just one year ago.

"Meredith, please, don't leave me again. I love you!"
My heart breaks a little more. I want to just run into his arms, kiss him, and tell him I love him and will never leave him. But, I can't, and I won't.
"Goodbye, Derek."
I shiver at the thought of that day, the feeling of fear and dread taking over as the terrible events that led up to it replayed in my mind like a broken record. I wish he didn't still have this much control over me.
"Meredith?" My head jerks up at the sound of Joe calling my name. "Are you okay?"
"I don't want to talk about it. Uh, I have to get to the hospital. I'll talk to you later?" Before he can give me a response, I'm already walking out of the door and into the street.

A/N: hello, my loves. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll try to make more interesting chapters further on in the book lol. Thanks for reading! xx

lso i combined chapters 2&3 since 2 was so short lol. hope you don't mind :)

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