Chapter 1

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"Fine, Fine! You're kriffing going to the Academy!" Owen Lars shouted at his nephew Luke. He'd been singing about the Imperial Academy since he'd seen it in the Holonet, and it had been nearly a year. He was worn up and battered by Luke, so he finally decided to allow the kid to leave this planet. "Uncle Owen, are you really serious? You mean it?" Luke asked with a disbelieving look on his face. "That's a good decision, Owen!" Beru Lars beamed at her husband, who just grunted in return and said "Yes, I did Luke! Now stop gaping and get on with the packing!" As the boy started packing his things with a giddy smile on his face, Beru went over to Owen and asked "What made you change your mind?" Owen sighed and said "I'm not fond of this idea yet. At least he's not going on a damned-fool idealistic crusade, unlike his father." Beru smiled, and said "You can't keep Luke here forever, Owen. He has too much of his father in him, you know it too." "That's what I fear the most." Owen muttered.

The day for Luke's departure for the Academy finally came, with mixed feelings. Luke was feeling giddy and excited, of course. He could finally leave this dusty sand-ball of a planet, and explore worlds that held so much more for him. But on the other side, he felt worried for some reason. His uncle said that he'd have no problem, but he'd definitely have trouble managing the vaporators without him. His aunt was always supportive of him no matter what, but she'd still be sad after he was gone. 'No, no bad thoughts for now! I'm leaving Tatooine! I finally get to join my friends!' He thought to himself. Uncle Owen had agreed to take him to Mos Eisley Spaceport. He'd be calling Luke anytime now. "Luke, the speeder's ready and we don't want to get late!" Luke heard Owen shout outside and he replied by saying he was almost ready. All of his belongings were packed and ready to go. Now finally he would meet the bigger world, a bigger galaxy and experience something he would never have expected to happen.

After a brief exchange of goodbyes with some people, the family were finally left alone to exchange their own goodbyes. "So, your dream's finally come true. You're going on a journey of your own." Beru said, with a sad smile on her face. She was currently experiencing many emotions, mostly worry for her nephew. "Don't worry, Aunt Beru. I'll be perfectly fine on my own!" Luke grinned. "I hope so." Beru said. "Take care, Luke." Uncle Owen said to the boy, concern on his eyes. He'd heard the stormtroopers referring to the TIE Pilots as 'vac-heads' and 'coffin-jockeys', which, he was pretty sure, meant nothing good. Luke was looking at his uncle with a grateful expression. "Thanks for allowing me to go to the Academy, Uncle Owen. I really appreciate it." "It's nothing! Besides, if you really appreciate it, just... just call and let us know that you're safe." "I will, Uncle Owen. Thanks again." They exchanged final hugs and kisses, and finally Luke was lost in the crowd. 'Luke's really grown up now.' Beru Lars thought, with tears gently flowing from her eyes.

Luke was lost. Mos Eisley Spaceport was a huge place, and he had no idea where the Empire's recruiting station was. To his relief, he spotted a squad of stormtroopers patrolling the area. He approached them, and the squad leader noticed him. "Do you have a problem?" The white-armored trooper asked, his voice modulated automatically. "Uh...kind of. This place is quite huge and I can't seem to find the recruiting station!" The trooper seemed to suddenly smile slightly at this comment, despite wearing a helmet. "Follow us, we'll lead the way. New troops are always welcome." Luke smiled slightly and thanked the trooper in front of him.

Luke was standing nervously in front of the recruitment officer. He still hadn't spoken for a few minutes after a complex check-up of his body, and it made Luke tense up. The only sounds were the voices of famous officers and 'Glory Of The Empire' on the Holonet screen. Perhaps he did something wrong? Then the officer finally spoke in his crisp Coruscanti accent. "Name?" "Luke, Luke Skywalker." He replied, the nervousness still remaining in his voice. "Exactly what branch of the Imperial Military are you applying for?" "Uh, I was hoping to be a Starfighter Pilot. So that means.... The Imperial Navy?" The officer nodded, and said "A fine and brave choice. Do you have any experience in piloting a craft, or do you have no experience whatsoever?" Luke grinned inwardly. 'Two can play at that game', he thought. "I've been piloting a T-16 Skyhopper for my entire life." He replied smugly. The officer seemed genuinely surprised by Luke's words, but soon returned to the usual emotionless face. "Approved. Transport number 820649, for Montross." It was Luke's turn to be shocked. "What? I'm going to the Academy there right now?" He asked the officer with a disbelieving look on his face. He knew what kind of Academy was there. The officer nodded, and said "If your words are true, then you have nothing to gain at the Outer Rim Academies. The Skystrike Academy should suit you much better." Luke grinned. He was expecting to be sent to one of the Outer Rim ones first and then sent to Skystrike, but this was great! He now had a direct path to Skystrike. It was one of the most known, elite Academies for future Starfighter Pilots. Even His friend Biggs, who was a great pilot, wasn't sent straight there. A considerable number of cadets applying to be an Imperial Starfighter Pilot weren't exactly devoted at piloting like Luke was. Even if they had some experience at handling actual craft, they did not have sufficient experience and for that, the Empire trained them for at least three years at the Outer Rim, having them mastered the basics of piloting. Any Academy's curriculum, even if it was at the Outer Rim, was grueling. Only the ones who endured that process were sent to Skystrike, where they were reborn as true pilots, now legimately dedicated to piloting. In other words, The Skystrike Academy was not easy to enter for a cadet who had just applied, let alone untested. Then, the officer's expression suddenly changed. "However, if you do not provide evidence of your skills when you arrive there, I assure you will be thrown out immediately." Luke shivered. They would only receive the best at Montross, it was only natural. The officer handed the ticket to him, and said "The transport will be leaving in thirty minutes. Try not to miss it." "Thanks." Luke said to the officer, and turned to leave. "Good Luck, Soldier." The officer said to the boy, who nodded, thanked the man and left. It was not everyday that he gave a direct ticket for Montross to someone so untested, but this time it was different. He saw the enthusiasm, the commitment in the boy's eyes when it came to piloting, which he'd seen from very few people from his long career as a recruitment officer. He smiled to himself and resumed his work.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was suddenly snapped out of his meditation. Something was not right. Luke's presence in the Force was beginning to dim, going far away second by second. 'No, he can't leave this planet, not now.' He hastily headed over to the Lars residence, and what he found was an empty room that used to be Luke's, already tidied up. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' Obi-Wan thought, and hurried his way to the Spaceport. Now was the time to contact his old friend, Bail Organa. In a Cantina, there were many people, but among them he found a captain named Han Solo piloting some freighter, which he boasted about making the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs, and his co-pilot, a Wookiee named Chewbacca. The old Jedi Master asked to use their comm, and the captain agreed somewhat grudgingly. "Emergency number 66543, This is Obi-Wan Kenobi to Bail Organa. I repeat, this is Obi-wan Kenobi to Bail Organa." The Senator's face appeared on screen. "Master Kenobi! This is a pleasant surprise!" Then Bail noticed Kenobi's grim face. "What's on your mind, Master Kenobi? Has something happened?" "Well... Luke's isn't here anymore." Bail gasped, saying "What do you mean? He went somewhere, to another planet?" Obi-Wan nodded slowly. "They told me he went to the Imperial Academy." Suddenly, horror spread to the Senator's face. "But he definitely applied for a Pilot. Then he'll surely graduate, rise through the ranks...." He couldn't continue. "He'll meet Vader, eventually." The Jedi confirmed Bail's thoughts, with a much more darkened expression. "No! We have to stop this! We can't lose Luke too!" Bail shouted, terrorized by the thought. An idea suddenly popped up inside Kenobi's head. He would head to Alderaan immediately.

Luke wasn't having such a hard time at the Skystrike Academy. Actually, he was enjoying himself a little. His eyes were a little sore from all these simulator trainings, but he had to endure it if he wanted to get into the Navy. There were only the best cadets there, from many planets some he'd never heard of. The instructors and the cadets alike did not judge people with their home planet. Here at the Skystrike Academy, skill, experience and bravery were the most valued above all. He looked at the window, from the dormitory he was currently sharing with three more cadets, whom he thought were all good people. It was quite a simple room, with black-colored interiors and bunk beds. The view from the window was quite a treat for the eyes, as Skystrike was located in the atmosphere of Montross. He'd sometimes watch the sunrise, which was breathtaking. Then his fellow cadets, whom he would call friends now, walked in. "Hey Luke, you already finished with the test already?" A cadet named Mark asked him with a disbelieving face. "Yeah. Wasn't that hard." The three cadets weren't even surprised now. Well, Luke made quite an entrance when he first arrived here. He'd immediately been tested by Instructor Goran and Captain Vult Skerris via a simulator pod, and he set a such a stunning record that he surprised both the Instructor and the Captain utterly. 'This boy, he's a natural.' Thought Captain Skerris, while Instructor Goran was just bamboozled by the just-applied boy's results of the simulation. It was truly one of the best scores recorded, and Skystrike was famous for producing the Imperial Navy's best TIE Pilots. Still, Luke was nervous and asked the two if he had done well. "Did well? Cadet, you just set a record that's one of the best in the whole results! Welcome to the Skystrike Academy!" Instructor Goran gathered himself, and shook the confused boy's hand vigorously. 'He'll make an absolutely kriffing TIE pilot.' Goran thought. He would do whatever it took to refine the boy's skills to its utmost potential, and Captain Skerris was thinking the same thing.

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