Chapter 2

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For the next three years, Luke was trained rigorously by the instructors at Skystrike Academy, who were determined to make him into one of the galaxy's best pilots.

Actually, his training was much harsher than his fellow cadets, due to the decision of Instructor Goran that Luke would be undergoing a much more detailed education than the others. Captain Vult Skerris was also teaching Luke with much enthusiasm, as the boy understood things much quicker than his fellow cadets.

He certainly was a natural when it came to piloting, a rough ore that was eagerly waiting to be processed. In other words, he was the sort of student that learned ten things even if he was taught only one.

Some cadets envied him because of the favoritism he was being given, but most looked up at him, wondering how he had achieved this kind of feat in such a young age. Luke accepted this opportunity gratefully and worked his hardest to live up to his mentors' expectations.

He was taught so many things that sometimes he thought his head was about to explode. Among the many things he was lectured were things he was not that familiar with; various fighter formations and how to coordinate them, how to adjust your various mechanics onboard depending on flight situations, the path of attack and escape, how to operate the targeting computer and so on.

He was also taught combat skills, including handling a blaster, throwing a thermal detonator and basic Echani, which was the martial arts taught to every trooper and officer in service for the Empire.

He was slowly, but surely turning into a disciplined, loyal, and skillful starfighter pilot. But he never lost his natural brightness; Sometimes when his fellow cadets were worn out and depressed by the grueling training curriculum, Luke was the one who cheered up everyone with some good ol' Hutt dialects and jokes, restoring everyone's spirits to normal, or even better. Some of the female cadets were actually at the point of developing a crush for him.

So, after all of that intensive training, he was finally reborn as a true military pilot. His body had changed a lot too. The Academy's diet for its cadets were solely focused on their well-being, and as such, it made him much healthier than before.

He'd even grown in height from all the exercises he'd gone through. He also developed a view on the rebels, based on the classes he took, as a considerable military threat, while he thought them as mere saboteurs before entering Skystrike.

Sure, they committed plenty of sabotages too, but after seeing footage of battles between the Rebels and the Imperial Navy in his many lessons, Luke saw and came to respect their pilots' skills and courage, somehow bound together as one by crazy, lunatic beliefs.

He'd seen and heard enough of their crazy propaganda. 'Alliance to restore the Republic? The Republic was the same as the Empire except for mere differences in their ideology. Even if they restore the Republic, it'll never be able to solve the Empire's problems.' Luke thought.

And history proved that. For one example, despite the Republic had banned slavery in all of its star systems by its law, slavery always had its place in the galaxy, as well as many other problems that the Rebels claimed as reasons for deeming the Empire as 'the bad guys'.

The galaxy was always corrupt and the corruption couldn't be fixed by simply sabotaging, attacking, and blowing up everything. The galaxy's order and security could not be maintained by the Rebels' way.

So, with his newfound views and beliefs, Luke continued to train as a cadet, always doing his best. Actually, he was the one responsible for lighting the spark in his fellow cadets' hearts so that they trained much harder than they would have normally.

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