Chapter 3

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1 BBY, Aboard the DS-1 Mobile Orbital Station

"You've been assigned to Black Squadron. Down the hall, take the repulsorlifts to level 178. You're expected in the command room of Section 51." The Deck Officer informed Luke.

The young man thanked the officer, then walked away, unsure if he could find his way through this vast maze of corridors making out of the innards of this battle station.

But fortunately for him, the officer's instructions were clear enough for him to reach his destination. After only minutes of wandering, Luke entered a room that he thought was the right place.

Its walls were stark gray, like those of the rest of the ships, with a couple of unlit screens attached on them. He spotted a holographic console, with a table for about dozen people to gather around.

A female officer was sitting in a chair, studying some reports, before looking up when she noticed that Luke had entered. She was a commander, a bit shorter than Luke. There was a stern and cold nature about her. Luke saluted and introduced himself.

"Ah, Ensign Skywalker." She spoke. "I'm Commander Kela Neerik, I've been expecting you."

She abruptly surveyed him with a frown, observing Luke's features. The young pilot tried his best to remain at perfect attention, not showing his unease.

"How old are you, Ensign?" She finally asked.

"I'm eighteen standard, commander." He replied, a bit confused with the question.

Neerik's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise.

"You just fresh out of the Academy, then?"

"Yes, ma'am, why?"

An awkward second passed; Then the commander's face relaxed, as if she had dismissed the thought that was bothering her. "Pay it no mind. This is only unexpected. I know the Empire is in need for more men, but...."

Then she returned to the reports, Luke catching Neerik whisper occasionally like "Don't know why Skerris recommended him in the first place, not the squadron for an 18-year old boy....."

This confused Luke. What did she mean Black Squadron was not the place for him?

After he'd been instructed to wait, he remained deep in thought until he was shaken out of his trance by a certain voice.

"Senior Lieutenant Iden Versio reporting for duty, commander."

A brown-eyed woman with black hair had entered the room with a salute. Then she spotted Luke and frowned slightly.

'That's the new one? He seems surprisingly young.' She thought.

"Ah, Lieutenant Versio. This is Ensign Skywalker, your new squadron member. He's just arrived aboard and needs to be shown around."

"Yes, commander." With a brief nod and a salute, she made to exit the room, but not before giving him a look that gestured him to follow. Not wanting to make a bad first impression to his superior, the young pilot followed her hastily.

"You look nervous, Ensign." These were the first words that she had said to him. "May I ask you why?"

"I don't know, ma'am. When I graduated the Academy, I expected myself to be stationed at some ordinary base, or on a Star Destroyer. I would never have thought that I'd end up in a station this big."

Iden laughed slightly in amusement. "Oh, come on. I've seen your grades, and they're one of the best I've ever seen so far. Might be on par with even mine." She complimented him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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