3. Crap

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Harry pov:
So Evie and I were actually allowed to date according to her mom (my dad would've killed me if he knew though). She agreed in it since basically my dad kinda made everyone believe I was some sort of pirate prince, that kinda bullshit. But apparently it counted for the Evil Queen so that was a good thing I suppose?
I was about to leave but Evie took my hand.
"Wait, your jacket. It got torn apart when you fought against the Gaston twins. Let me fix it for you. That's the least I could do to pay you back."
As she said that I noticed a little hole in my sleave.
"It's fine. Don't bother."
Evil Queen rolled her eyes with some sort of smile(?) and Evie looked at me.
"You fought of two older guys for me, just let me do this small thing. You'll get it back later I promise."
I sighed.
"You really won't accept a 'no' will you?"
I sighed as I took off my jacket and gave it to Evie.
"Happy now?"
"Very." she said as she kissed my cheek.
"Besides, now we have an excuse to meet up later."
"The clocktower?"
"Deal. I'll be done in less then an hour."
"I'm holding you to that."
And I left.

It wasn't so cold outside, even if it was I would've not cared but it was actually like fine without my jacket.
Even though it felt weird since I almost weared it.
It was just something personal, the only real gift I ever had of my dad...
Actually I was also glad that Evie could fix it for me though as I thought about it.
I looked at that pocket watch thing of mine and saw that I was supposed to meet Evie there in half an hour.
If I was gonna walk normal/slowly then I wouldn't be too early.
Although I still would've not cared, you had a great view over the isle up there.

As I sat there I looked over the other buildings.
It was fun when I saw a small kid getting robbed by my little sister. Because there was an age difference of probably 4 to 5 years which made it kinda funny.
"Hey, loser!" someone yelled and I turned.
One of the Gaston twins grabbed my arms as the other one started to punch me.
"What the-?!" I said but I already knew why, I broke on of their noses earlier...
Then the one who had hold of my arms literally broke my left arm and I yelled a lot because of the pain.
"Idiot! Harriette is gonna kill us!" Gaston jr. said.
"Let's get out of here!" Gaston the third said and they left me there on top of the clocktower with my left arm in an angle of 90⁰in the wrong way. The bone even stuck out of it!
"That looks so disgusting..." I muttered as I almost threw up.
I decides to get away from the edge of the roof and I leaned against the little wall thing around the big clock.
I swallowed because every move I did, I felt my arm...
"What in the devil's name happend to you in that hour?!" Evie's voice yelled.
"You just missed the party Blueberry..."
"Hey, look at me..." she said softly as she sat down net to me and I did.
My right eye was filled with blood of my eyebrow and I'm pretty sure one of my eyes was a black eye.
"Let's get you out of here. Come on, get up..."
She helped me up and the two of us left the clocktower.
I bumped my arm against the wall multiple times but I tried to keep my cool since Evie was with me.
Then she finally noticed my arm and she alsmost vomited.
"Please tell me I'm just imaging that...?"
"I wish we were..." I said with pain in my voice.
"I bet your older sister will know something, let's get you home."
"No, if my dad sees this and you... He will kill me for sure!"
"You do realise if we don't do something about your arm fast, you're gonna lose it simce it won't heal like that and that the bone is sticking out?"
"...Fine. But if my dad gets aggressive towards you, leave. You understand?"
She kissed me softly.
"What was that for?" I asked confused.
"To distract you from your pain and worries."
I chuckled a bit and we went to the Hook house.

"Oh my-!" Cj said and I motioned her to shut up.
Harriette looked at me and all she did was laughing.
"Who is she?!" My dad yelled.
"Here we go..." I said softly.
"Really dad, that's where you start? What about the bone sticking out of his arm?" Harriette said and my dad walked to us.
I swallowed and my dad just grabbed my arm and put the bone back in place.
"AARGH!!!" I said and Harriette stopped laughing as our dad did that.
Cj literally threw up in the corner of the room.
"You better clean that up yourself later!" Dad yelled.
Then he turned to Evie again.
"Like I asked. Who are you?!"
"Evie... Evil Queen's daughter..." Evie said as she hesitated.
"Dad before you-" I said and he motioned me to shut up.
"What is the connection you have with my son?"
Oh this was gonna end up badly...
"Well... We're classmates..."
"I don't believe that's quite it." Dad said and I sighed.
Harriette was busy with putting something around my arm so the bone would stay in the right place as dad still looked at Evie.
"We're dating! Sort of..." Evie blurted out and dad grabbed his dagger and I stepped ij front of Evie, as result: having a dagged in my stomach.
"Dad!" Cj and Harriette yelled.
"What the hell?!" Harriette said.
"Oh goblins!" Evie yelled.
"Idiot." Dad said.
"Asshole..." I replied as I fell on the ground.
Evie and my sisters kneeled next to me.
"No..." Evie said.
Cj grabbed one of the two little bottles I carried around.
I understood that she wanted to use wonder water but for a moment I thought it was poison...

The pirate and the blueberry (Evie x Harry) {💯%}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن