7. A favour

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Evie pov:
Harry's eyes widen.
"Wait- What?!"
"The core four and I are going to Auradon..." I repeated.
Harry looked at me.
"How and why?"
"Well... According to Maleficent, this prince Ben guy wants to give VK's a chance... And his guards will pick us up next week."
Harry stared in front of him and I saw he hated the idea of me leaving to Auradon.
"I meed you help Harry..."
"You're going to Auradon, where can you possibly need help with...?"
"My son..."
"I didn't say anything yet-"
"You want me to take care of it when you're living the big life in Auradon. Well no."
"Harry please, I wouldn't ask you if-"
"Stop wasting your time. Just take him along, safer for him after all."
"Don't you see, I can't take him along. I need your help Harry."
"A year... You shove me aside for a year... And now you expect me to take care of your son because you're gonna leave..."
"I promise to come back."
"Yea right... Like you promised not to lock me out..."
"Harry don't you get it, I want you to take care of him to make sure I'll come back for both of you..."
I looked at Harry and he sighed.
"The answer is no."
"If you won't help then I'm pretty sure your dad would love to hear all about you getting raped by Gaston jr. just like me."
He looked at me and his eyes widen.
"How do you even know about that?"
"You saw it happen..."
"I wanted to help, I swear... I just didn't know how to..."
"You wouldn't tell my dad... Would you...?"
I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed.
"Of course not... That would be too humiliating..."
"I'll think about it... But no promises."
"Wait you mean...?"
I hugged him and he lost his balance.
"Woah, easy there. If we fall of this thing no one will ever take care of the little guy again."
"What's his name anyway?"
Harry scoffed.
"What?" I asked.
"Just that you're going to Auradon doesn't mean you had to give him an AK name."
"Well do you have any better ideas?"
"Why would you ask me?"
"I don't know..."
Our eyes met and we both knew what happend, we kissed and long...
Harry looked at me.
"You don't happen to have wonder water with you, do you?"
"Again, I saw what happend. I grabbed a bit before heading here."
I handed him a small bottle and he used it to heal the wound on his face.
"Thanks Blueberry."
"Always pirate."

We sat there till dawn and we actually talked about a different name for my kid.
"So Ethan is too AK... Maybe Eric?" I said.
"That's literally a hero name." Harry said with a sly smile.
"You've only been negative about my ideas. Why don't you come up with something?"
"You want it with an E right?"
"Not that it matters that much..."
"What about Evan, not too AK not too VK. Like a bit of both."
"Oh goblins..."
"Bad? Fine..."
"It's perfect." I said and Harry seemed a bit suprised but smiled.
"So, do you want to come over to my place to meet the little guy?" I asked.
"Could be usefull since I might take care of him starting next week."
I rolled my eyes.
"Come on." I said and we went to my mom's castle. I haven't seen her for weeks but I assumed she was over at Maleficent's castle because of the crying of the little one.

I heared nothing when we entered the castle and I saw that the little guy was fianlly asleep.
"Of course... When I want you to be awake, you're asleep..." I said softly.
Harry grinned.
"Y'know. You could've called him Ethan, he looks like an AK." he whispered.
"That's not true." I whispered back.
Harry chuckled a bit and the little one woke up.
"Hey little guy..." I said softly and Ethan- Evan, smiled.
I picked him up and he started cooing.
"You know, he is kinda cute." Harry said with a small smile.
"Here, why don't you hold him?"
Harry surprisingly knew how to hold him right and I looked at him.
"Do I want to know how you know how to hold him?"
"I have a little sister, remember?"
Harry chuckled and Evan literally fell asleep in Harry's arms.
"Awww..." I said softly.
Harry grinned a little and he handed me Evan back.
I put the little guy back in the kinda broken crib which used to be mine and I looked at Harry.
"Does that smile on your face mean what I think it means?" I asked.
Harry looked at me.
"Oh come on..."
"Okay fine. I'll do it."
"Thank you!" and I hugged him.
Then Evan began to cry since I kinda shouted a bit loud...

The pirate and the blueberry (Evie x Harry) {💯%}Where stories live. Discover now