6. Are you kidding...?

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Harry pov:
So Evie broke her promise.
Sure things went well for the first six months... But now she hasn't talked to me for a year...
It sucked and I felt terrible because of that.
I loved her, I helped her... And she just shove me aside...
Isaw her walking on the other side of the town square. She saw me and looked away.
Yea, she really was avoiding me... But I didn't understand why? Did I do something wrong...?
I sighed and as I wanted to walk away I felt that someone grabbed my arm and that same person smacked my face against a wall.
"Arg! What the-?!"
I felt that my nose was probably broken and I felt a lot of bloos streaming down my face.
"You know more about Evie situation, don't you?" Gaston jr.'s voice said and I literally could taste the blood of my face.
"Why would you care?" I asked with a bit of anger.
He turned me towards him and gritted his teeth.
"So you do know more?"
"Get lost."
Then he kicked me in my guts and I bend over in pain.
"Asshole!" I yelled.
"Then just answer!"
"Not to you!"
And I kicked him away from me and for the first time in years I fled.

I stole a little cloth on the market place to whipe the blood of my face and I walked to the clocktower.
Then I saw that Gaston jr. gather his brother and a few friends as he walked to me.
"Oh crap..." I said and a few of his friends grabbed me into an alley and pushed me to the ground.
"Still don't want to talk huh?" Jr. said and I looked at him.
"Why would you even care?!"
He kicked me in the face and if my nose wasn't broken yet, it sure was now.
"You don't even have the guts to get to me on your own." I said as I spit some blood out of my mouth.
Jr. nodded to his twin and as soon as I felt that the ripped down my pants, I knew exactly what he was gonna do.
I felt how Jr.'s dick went into my ass and breath stocked.
"Get off me!" I yelled but obviously he didn't.
"Haha, not so tough now huh Hook." #3 said and I got pissed. But those three guys still kept me on the ground as Jr. well you know what he was doing.

After some time they threw me against some garbage cans.
"There you go. Now you're home. Loser." Jr. said and he left with those friends of his while laughing.
I put my pants back on and swallowed.
I was never so humiliated before...
Hell, I even got scared!
I got up and damn my ass hurt... I stumbled home and my older sister just started laughing again as she saw me.
"Someone ruined his pretty face."
"Screw you..."
"What happend to you?" My dad asked.
Right, still weird now he cared about us again.
"Don't bother." I said as I grabbed some wonder water from the shelve and went to my room.

I got kinda pissed when I was in my room. I never let the Gaston twins win but now when they ganged up on me... I was as weak as a helpless child!
I threw the bottle of wonder water against the wall, before using it which made me pissed later...
I sighed and climbed out of my window.

I still had that cloth as I sat down on the edge of the clocktower.
I sighed.
I could see on the cloth that I was bleeding quite a lot and I looked over the other buildings.
I realised I had a perfect vieuw towards Evie's window...
What if I'd just go to her to talk? It's been more then a year...
Altought everytime her mom made up some dumb excuse why Evie wasn't there. And Evie had a new lock on her window and always closed the curtains when I was nearby...
"Harry...?" a voice said and I looked up.
"Oh my goblins-! What happend to you?" Evie asked.
"Do you even care...?" I asked.
She sat down next to me and looked at me.
"Of course I care..."
"You didn't seem to care the past year..."
"I... I need your help."
"Of course. You ditch me for a year, then you come back to me because you need my help."
"Harry, it's important."
"I thought I was important to you... I guess I was wrong. So maybe whatever you need help with ain't important to you either."
"Harry please... You're the only one I trust."
"What about the core four?"
"That's kinda the point..."
"What do you mean?" and I looked at her as I whiped some blood of my face again.
"The core four and I are going to Auradon..."
"Wait- What?!"
And then the last bit of hope I had to get back with Evie disappeared...

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