Chapter One: A normal life

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A/N: This story is odd. Biper loves draco malfoy by the way.

500 BC.

She once had a normal life, with normal friends, normal simps, normal everything. Biper Yu is a female homo sapien that might just be a neanderthal. That was, until one day.

Biper was just walking through her normal stone pathway (she made it when she was 5) until she reached the sign that said 'I made this for Draco Malfoy'. Then, she sang her iconic song about him to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star: "Draco, Draco, I love you. You are super super cute. Marry me, you're so cute, ditch pansy, she makes me puke. Draco, Draco, I love you. Lets live together because you are cute" 

She was looking for her sign about Draco. But this time, instead of the sign there, she found a note written on an old piece of paper that looked like it just got dipped in coffee.The handwriting looks awful that I bet our family's monkey could draw better, she thought. But Biper just brushed the thought away and started skipping back with her arms waving.But that day, something rather odd happened... 

Biper went to the river to get fish ($500,000 one with emeralds inside) for dinner as her iconic mom had ordered her to, and young 5 year old Biper was humming as she swooped her short and stubby hands around in the water. Suddenly, her hand caught something. It wasn't the emerald fish though, it was hard and a bit long. Biper looked inside the river and squinted. It was something unbelievable and ridiculous to be found in the stone age. Something that humans these days call an iron chain. Of course, Homo Sapiens will have no clue what the hell an iron chain is. No one, except for little Biper. She looked around to make sure no one was looking, then carefully pulled the chain up, until a small wooden boat came in appearance. Without hesitating, Biper got on top of the boat, murmured something, and before anything else could happen, the boat disappeared in thin air.

Many of you will be confused by now, as this story is starting to become a fantasy more than a real story based on someone's life. But before you fold this up thinking it is all nonsense, wait, as I shall explain what the fucking hell was happening. Now the small wooden boat that came up in the story earlier is not just a normal boat. It is a Magical boat that leads to a magical school. The school of witchcraft and wizardry, Hogewurts. (Hogwarts, but it's copyrighted). Hogewurts is a school for wizards and witches, which was a very rare case for stone age people. They say there were only max 7 wizards/witches per country only! Anyways, let's continue with our story.

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