Chapter Three: Love Potion

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She slowly turned her time turner thing until the year 2021.


2021 (right now)

Suddenly they had time traveled 2521 years into the future. They had also magically gained knowledge about all the things that had happened. (thanks to Brian) 

"We're in korea!" Yuaden exclaimed. "I love BTS!"

"I'm gonna enroll you into KIS, because you guys are too 0 IQ to learn korean. Good luck going to school!" Biper's iconic mom just dropped them off at KIS and gave them money (I know it's not this simple to get in a school but let's say we payed and made id cards and took placement tests and stuff).

At School

Woah, Yuaden looks so cute today. I think I simp him now, sorry Brian. Biper was daydreaming about her and her new simp kissing. But Biper was one brave neanderthal disguised as a homo sapien. She went up to him and said "Hey, I simp you," Everyone in the hallway gasped, as for Yuaden was one ugly 0 IQ living being. Nobody simped him other than Biper.

"Sorry, I only simp Stalin and Hitler and that one weird boy, Brady Kim. I'm also engaged to Bread. Mhm," Yuaden responded.

Biper was heartbroken. There must be a way for him to love me! But then she realized that she had gone to Hogewurts. She could make a love potion! Wow, who knew I could be so high IQ! So she got to work.

Love Potion


A tooth of your victim

eyebrow hair from your victim

Your very own spit

Jim Slaid's (KIS principal) blood

Milk that your dad left for and never came back with

Step 1.

Put the milk that your dad left for and never came back with into a cauldron. Spit into it and mix it very well for 1 minute.

Step 2.

Melt the tooth of your victim in a microwave or whatever and mix it with Jim slaid's blood. Wait for it to harden into a light pink color, and plop it into the cauldron. It will melt in there.

Step 3.

Slowly sprinkle your victim's eyebrow hair (the more the better!) and mix for 2 minutes.

Done! Too much might cause an obsession of love but you do you. 

Time to collect the ingredients! This one was going to be hard. 

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