Chapter 2

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Binevale. A place where you don't have to be bad or a criminal to be sent there. You just have to be crazy. And by crazy I mean, claiming that there is life beyond the fence and that Coin is as corrupt and two-faced as her name. When I was thirteen, I almost ended up there. Maybe it was grief or maybe I really was crazy, whatever it was, whatever it was so close to ending up there. But Noah saved me. He saved me when I was my worst enemy.

I had escaped from The Shrink and had run into the woods for peace. I was in a haze, didn't know where I was going or what I was doing, I just knew I had to get away. I was running aimlessly, when suddenly I hit a wall - well, it wasn't a wall at all, it was a person. Noah. I fell to the ground in a heap. My eyes darted upwards to see what had caused me to fall. Then I looked up and my dark brown eyes met with Noah's blue eyes full of concern.

"Are you alright! I'm so sorry!" He asked, helping me up and searching my eyes for any clue or anything.

"No, no. I'm fine really, really I am!" But even as I spoke I knew, and wondered who I was lying to. Myself or Noah?

"I'm Noah. Noah Hensworth." He said, stopping my train of thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, but it came out far more icily than I intended.

"What am I doing here? He asked incredulously.

"You are the one that's running through the woods like a madwoman!"

Like a madwoman. I'm a madwoman. That's why I'm in the Shrink, locked away from humanity. They think I'm insane and maybe I am. As if he read my mind, Noah, recoiled, suddenly worried.

"Did you run away from the Shrink?" His voice quivered ever so slightly as he continued, "If you did I, I can get you out." I must have stared at him for too long because he quickly added, "If you want." My lips moved quicker than my mind as a small smile came to my lips. This was the first time I had smiled, not since. I pushed the thought of my father away, not wanting to breakdown now. Not now.

"Yes, I would love that." As I spoke I released a breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

Noah, got me out of the Shrink and slowly but surely, I began to return, but I knew, my mother knew, Liz knew that I would never be the same. Nobody is ever the same and I am no different.

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