Chapter 4

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By sunset we had a plan. A safe plan. We were going to leave at the crack of dawn because the posts are always left unguarded at that time and even if we meet someone Rose had hacked into their system and had given us the highest possible clearance.

I made my way back to my house to say goodbye to my mother and Liz, I couldn't fully explain what I was going to do and why I was doing it because that would put them in danger and I didn't want or need that to happen. Once I opened the creaky door I saw a blonde blur and before I knew it Liz had wrapped herself tightly around my body.

"Don't go! Don't go!" She pleaded through tears.

"Liz I have to." I managed to choke out without letting the tears that welling in my eyes fall. After finally managing to get Liz to get off me, I reached for my mother and held her tight, whispering every single word of comfort I could manage without breaking down.

I managed to explain to them without giving too much away, without placing my family in any more danger than they need to be. I told them to tell everyone that Noah, Rose, Bex, Mace and I have been given a special job to do and we will be gone for a while. And by a while I meant, potentially forever but my family couldn't know that, especially not Liz, no never can she know. My mother. Well she's a whole different topic. On a whole different level. If she knew the truth, she would worry and fret all day for the rest of her life and I couldn't, wouldn't want to bear the weight of guilt of the fact that I caused it. It was my fault. So in order to know my mother wouldn't spend her last breaths worrying about me I lied.

Guilt weighed down on me as I lay in bed trying to get some sleep for I would be up and gone by dawn. But sleep was doing everything it could to evade me and thankfully so was my nightmares. After hours of staring at the ceiling wondering if I was making the right decision, I fell into a restless sleep making a list of pros and cons of becoming a fugitive.

I woke up a few minutes before and began to gather all of the things I needed. Making sure I was quiet as a mouse I slipped out of the house.

As soon as the morning dew hit my face, I knew there was no turning back. 

It was time.

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