Chapter 8

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Super Sorry for not updating in a while, I was busy working on more chapters and completely forgot to update.

Noah's awake. Noah's awake. I pushed myself up and made me way towards him only stopping when I was centimeters away from him and crouched down so I was his level. Noah clearly felt my presence because he lifted his head and looked me straight in the eye.

"Hey, Will."

Noah spoke his voice gruff and horse, it took almost everything for not to cry at his use of the nickname he had given me. Because the first time we met I said my name so quietly he thought my name was Will, so ever since then he had nicknamed me Will.

"Hey, Noah."

I replied, I felt my voice on the verge of cracking but held it together.

"How are you?"

I asked while searching his ocean blue eyes for any indication of what happened hours before.

"I'm fine." He says but I'm not convinced. This must reflect in my eyes because he then adds,

"I just can't remember any that happened today besides seeing this strange guy and then coming here to meet you guys." "A strange guy."

"What did the guy that you met on the way look like?" Bex asked instantly intrigued by this new piece of information.

Noah thought for a while before hanging his head down in shame.

"I...I don't know. I can't remember. I'm sorry."

"You have to know!" Bex yelled at him. I could feel her impatience boiling over. Bex has never been one to be patient and her patience is being tested a lot today.

"Well I don't." Noah yelled back, rage visible on his face.

"And I'm sorry, Rebecca if that isn't good enough for you but if you must be reminded I'm the one tied up to a pole in the middle of a barn. I'm the one whose life is on the line. ME! Not you! So for once can you think about anyone besides yourself!"

We were all stunned to silence until Bex growled,

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."

"Well I never asked you to be here." Noah taunted back.

"Well if your dumb ass wasn't busy getting hypnotised we would have left and be gone." Bex snapped.

"You should"-

"Shut it Rebecca!" I snapped at Bex. I don't know whether it was my use of her full name or the manner in which I spoke but Rebecca Knight backed down for the first time in her life. I looked around at the barn, everyone was just staring at me. Shocked. And I honestly don't blame them. I'm pretty terrified of myself right now.

As night fell we agreed that we would leave at dawn like we were supposed to. We were finally getting out of the city called Hope.

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