The Start Of War

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* Flashback*

First year:

" Darling come downstairs please!" Sirius yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

" One minute Dad, I'll be right down!" she yelled back to him.

" I can't believe she's going off to Hogwarts just like her old mans" Remus said, to Sirius.

"I know I'm gonna miss her so much"
"Oh my god what if she meets Harry!" Sirius said.

"Who's Harry?" She asked walking down the stairs with her trunk in hand.

"No one sweetie, don't worry about it" Sirius said. His face looked panicked. Remus pulled Sirius into a hug and whispered something in his ear. Suddenly his shoulders relaxed, and his previous expression withered away.

"Oh my god Sirius look at our precious little girl." "She really is something special" Remus said, now with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Elizabeth ran to hug her Dad's.

" Don't cry, I promise I will write to you every week!" She said, snuggled in-between Remus and Sirius.

"Alright lovely, I'll hold you to that" Remus said.

"Do you have all of your supplies and other necessary things for school?" Sirius put his hands on her shoulders.

She looked up at him
"Yup all packed and ready to go"

"Okay then we better get you in the car and off to the platform" Remus yelled from outside.

Elizabeth walked outside and stared at the house. This is the only house she's ever known.

She got into the car with Sirius and Remus and watched as the House of Black slowly disappeared in the distance. She felt a tear, but held it in to be strong for her Dad's. This was really happening.

Kings Cross Station:

" Alright darling, remember platform 9 3/4 okay? " Sirius said. They both gave Liz a hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Wait Dad's! Where is the platform?" She asked nervously. But turned around and realized they were no longer there.

Now she was panicking.

She saw a man standing at one of the platforms. As she was approaching him to ask, so was another kid. A young boy. He had brown hair and glasses.

Elizabeth had a black owl named Midnight. She looked over and noticed the young boy also had an owl. A white one.

She pulled the boy aside from the man.
" Are you going to Hogwarts as well? " She, whispered. He nodded. "Awesome! maybe you can help me get to the platform!" She said, excited.

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