Truth or Dare

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Warning: There will be a sexual scene in this chapter. So If that's something that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter or to just skip the sexual scene:) Other than that Happy reading!

The Next Morning~

When Liz woke up, she was confused on what happened. She had fallen asleep at the Astronomy tower, yet somehow woke up in her dorm room.

She looked over at her nightstand. It was 7:00. Liz started to panick. She had class in 15 minutes.

Daphne and Astoria had already left.

Liz quickly jumped out of bed. She went over to her dresser, and pulled out a black crop top and a green and black plaid skirt. She quickly put her outfit on and walked over to the mirror.

She hardly recognized herself. Over the summer she got taller. Her hips got wider, and her boobs had gone up a few cup sizes.

She brushed her hair up into a ponytail, and put on some light lip glass as well as some black mascara. She took one last look at herself, and walked out the door.

Her first class was Herbology. As weird as it sounds, she was still getting lost in the corridors four years later.

She found Neville Longbottom talking to Luna Lovegood in the hallway. Whatever they were talking about must've been interesting, because Lunas cheeks were flushed red. Liz watched them for a moment.

She knew Neville had been crushing on Luna since second year. She watched as Luna took Nevilles hand as they walked down the corridor together. Her heart felt warm watching the two.

Liz looked down at her watch and realized she now had five minutes before her class starts. She looked all around trying to find her way through,  but it was no use the hallway was filled with students. She was tall, but most of the older grade students were taller. She couldn't see over them.

Finally she managed to find her way to Charms. She ran into the classroom, and sat down just a minute before class was about to start. She sat in between Harry and Hermione. She said hi to them and talked for a few minutes.

Most of the class, they spent  reviewing old Charms they had previously learned, and studying for the test.

She was still a little tired, so her mind was drifting while Professor Flitwick was talking. While Liz was looking around the room, her eyes were met with a pair dark grey ones.

She looked at Draco, and suddenly the memories of last night came flooding back to her. The thought made butterflies rise in her stomach.

However looking at Draco, he didn't seem amused. In fact his eyes seemed firey and full of his usual hatred. Liz looked away confused. She thought they had shared a special moment yesterday.

She knew he was drunk, and she felt stupid and naive to think anything had changed. The rest of the class, she tried to stop herself from looking at him.

When class was over she tried to rush out as quickly as possible. She was walking with her head down, not really paying any attention to the other students around her.

Her books were heavy on her small arms, she just wanted to get to her next class. As she was walking she bumped into something hard. Her books fell to the floor.

"Watch where your going mudblood" the voice was unmistakable.

She looked up and saw the blonde boy staring down at her. He had a smirk that spread across his entire face. She rose to her feet

Suddenly without thinking, she rose her hand up and slapped him across the face. She knew she wasn't a mudblood. But it still made the blood rush in her veins, when someone had the nerve to call her so.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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