14. letters

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this chapter is just abt dream and y/n sending each letter for the past months njoy


hello there

how have you been? i never thought you would agree to such funny, ridiculous idea of mine. but admit it already, you also love writing letters.

god i kind of want to see you right now. these letters aren't helping at all. i kept wondering, did your voice change? did your face change?

i kind of want you here with me right now. you can cook me instant noodles everyday, we can listen to some music discs, you can hang out with me.

please don't ignore my letters :(
ill get sad.




you're such a creep dude. yes i love writings letters, but definitely not to you.

yeah yeah sure i get it you miss me and my face and voice didn't change. i dont know what youre trying to say in every letter you send to me, but im currently not interested in finding a partner.

you already have george and sapnap a your side hoes, is having them not enough to you?

and i do not wish to be your slave again.



hello dear y/n.

how are you? i hope you're okay and not dead yet. if youre gonna be dead then im going to be the reason why you're dead.

anyway, have i told you about how i like cats. everytime i see a cat i would go all screeching inside of my heart. do you like cats y/n? i hope you like them or i might just stab you.

don't worry that wasn't a direct death threat. do you want a pet cat together though?

please respond you ugly flower.



hi stupid

im okay, still breathing. but i do wish i was dead so i did not have to deal with people like you.

i cant say i hate cats. they're pretty cool. they leave furs everywhere though, it's annoying. i would gladly stab you too.

why would you want a pet cat together? just get one yourself. i hope you find a hairless one.




fuck, i hope this letter doesn't make its way to you but i miss you

you're so annoying and always so distant, always hanging out with your own people or people like eret, sapnap or whatever. its literally like you're betraying me.

fuck eret or whoever you're talking to, talk to me you idiot.




unfortunately your letter made its way to me by magic. you miss me? i dont aha

you're so annoying and so mysterious, you're always hiding your face. i bet you might just look good under that irritating smiley faced mask of yours.

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