20. unfamiliarly familiar

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"he's just manipulating you."

a voice spoke at the corner of your brain.

"clear your mind, he's just using you."

a familiar voice, said again.

flashbacks of the day you got kidnapped by dream flashed across your mind, the tight rope limiting the movement of your arms, the anger you felt when you looked at the mask with a simple smile.

"come back to us," the recognizable voice whispered, "he's a manipulator."

you gasped, sitting up from the bed you were lying down on. oh, it's just a dream. a dream.

you looked around the room, unfamiliar, but also too familiar. it's the small room you were tied in the corner in. the room definitely looked better, the walls were repainted, the bed sheet was not dirty anymore.

sighing, you looked down at the blanket that was covering your legs. your hands gripped the bed sheet. why were you gasping? it wasn't even a nightmare.

you looked to your right where the window was at. the sky hadn't brighten up yet. not like you could go back to sleep now, you quietly get out of bed and prepared yourself for a new day.

gently shutting the door behind you, this hallway you stood still on reminded you of some things. you yawned, scratching your hair, slightly hitting your head because of your headache.

walking down the hallway, you thought about pretty much a lot of things.

"am i in love?"

you didn't know.

"so is dating him the right choice?"

you didn't know either.

making your way down the stairs, the dim lightbulb that was shining down to the small dining table was on. to your left, the living room was so dark it looked like a literal black void.

your hand grasped your toothbrush and walked towards the sink, took out the toothpaste placed beside the kitchen sink in a cup. quietly brushing your teeth, you looked out at one of the windows. honestly there wasn't much, there's just trees outside.

"ah, y/n." a voice came from the stairs and it caught your attention.

you smiled, "morning sapnap." you turned around and cleaned your mouth.

sapnap yawned, also having his toothbrush held in his hand, standing beside you and putting toothpaste on his toothbrush.

"why don't you guys get a restroom upstairs?" you asked while wiping your wet lips with a towel.

the tall guy with a headband sighed and answered whilst brushing his teeth, "dunno, ask dream. maybe he's too poor for another toilet." he laughed and almost choked on his saliva.

you laughed after him and decided to check the fridge for some morning snacks until george and dream make you all breakfast. your eyes scanned across the nearly emptied fridge, but there was a bag of chips. without hesitation, you snatched it and immediately opened it.

"hey share those, i want them too," sapnap chuckled and grabbed a handful of chips in both is hands before you even answer him.

you pouted. "i didnt even say yes or anything."

"too late," he giggled and ate the chips one by one happily and went to on the lights in the living room, then settling himself on the couch.

bored, you put the chips on the dining table and you had a brilliant idea of waking george and dream up because you were hungry, and a simple bag of chips wouldnt help solve that.

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