Untitled Part 9

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                                                          August 17, 2013

Dear old lady therapist,

Darlene was a pain in the ass today.  The day started off with Darlene puking everywhere (yay I love starting off the day with my cousin puking beside me). I was absolutely ticked off. But on the bright side of things Darlene stayed in the hotel room by herself while I got to do whatever I wanted “on the beach”. But really I went out to walk while everyone else got into their daily routine of whatever they do then headed back to the hotel room to tend to my cousin.

When I got back I got the pleasure of cleaning up the mess she made. The worse part about it though was that she was yelling at me because she was feeling the way she did. Last time I checked I wasn’t the one who drunk half of the margaritas and some bud light. But of course it is Blue’s fault it always is. But me being the person I am I gave her a Tylenol. I figured that would help because it seems like adults are always taking Tylenols to help something.

But I got a few moments of peace when Darlene fell asleep so I watched a scary movie marathon that was on. The first movie that came on was the conjuring. It is okay it was actually the first scary movie that I ever saw. But personally I don’t find it that scary I actually laughed a little bit through it. Then after it was done I got me some water the only thing I consumed today and sat back down and mama was on. How is that movie even classified as a horror film? I laughed at the whole thing.  

Then miss grumpy pants got up and ended the fun time I was having. She was dressed to go to the pool so I went with her but as soon as she walked outside she got a huge headache. I told her she should probably just stay in the hotel room. But her being the person she is she had to go so she told me to shut up and walked right past me. So I let her go alone I was finally done trying to help her cover her tracks.

I went to the walking trails and tried to write some poetry.

 How can someone mess up so many times? I don’t know why I always seem to screw up I just do. It is in my nature to make mistakes like it is in a bird’s nature to fly.

That was all that I got to write because a bunch of teenagers came and was being obnoxiously loud. So I decided to go home where I sat down to eat with my family.  They were talking about some new restaurant that was supposed to open up in Jamestown. I finished and headed up to my room and I started writing to you. But now I believe I am going to head off to bed. Goodnight old lady therapist.

The Symphony of the FallenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt