Chapter 1: the first mission

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"Come on just a few more laps and we are done," I sigh as I run through the parks near the shield building. I take a break and regulate my breathing and heart rate. I put my hands down on my baby purple leggings. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and readjust the strap of my sports top, I retighted my ponytail as I sighed. Just as I was about to start again I heard quick footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Sam running towards me, I smiled at him, but he didn't seem to notice. My usual running buddy ran right past me instead of stopping. I was about to start running after him to ask what was wrong, but instead I saw someone running after him. The biggest, buffest guy came running in my direction. It took me a few seconds to remember where I had seen this soft and calm face before. And then it hit me. It was him! The one and only captain America. Captain freaking rogers! I saw him run past me and keep on running.
"Don't say It, don't say it!" I heard Sam yell as Rogers ran past him.
"On your left!" Yelled rogers. I was too busy sucking in the fact that Steve Rogers had run past me to realise that he had run twice, maybe even triple my speed. I decided to run in their direction, once I caught up to them I saw Steve climb into a black sports car and speed off. I slapped myself for missing the only opportunity of talking to my idol, a celebrity.
"Who was that?" I ask, approaching sam.
"What do you mean, Steve rogers?" Says Sam as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "I am sorry I couldn't stop and speak earlier, but I couldn't lose again. He lapped me twice!" He says, breathing heavily. I laughed as I patted him on the shoulder.
"Don't worry, he is a super soldier anyways." Just as I finished talking, I felt my phone buzz. I looked at it and saw a notification saying that i have a mission tonight. I didn't finish reading the message, I just shoved it back into my arm sling and said goodbye to sam. I ran back to my car and back to my apartment. I got my swords ready for tonight. I only used swords, guns and batons were never really my thing. I slid on my shield suit and headed back into my car to get to the shield building early. The shield outfit was just a tight fitting catsuit with padding on the shoulders, thighs and forearms. I had added a few things, a mask that covered my nose and mouth, wrist guards and shin guards, a blade holder which served as shoulder pads too. I tied my hair in a neat tight pony tail and headed off to my car. I hoped that today I might make it on time to hear the mission being briefed to my boss.

I walked over to the helipad, fitting on my mask over my nose and mouth. I readjusted my tight ponytail and slid on my wrist guards. I moved around and did a few flips and stretches to make sure my suit wasn't tight. Thankfully it still fit. I walked into the jet without really looking. I was about to head to my favourite spot, a secluded area in the left wing of the jet with a window, when i heard a voice i didn't recognise. I looked up and stopped dead in my tracks. He was here. In the same jet as me! Captain America! When I looked around I also saw Natasha Romanov, Black Widow! They were both in the same jet as me! They didn't pay attention to me as I entered, thankfully. I nodded to my boss and headed for my spot. I heaved my shoulder and my sword holders off my back. I placed them next to me and attempted to eavesdrop into the conversation between my boss and Steve Rogers, unfortunately two of my teammates were laughing loudly near them. I lowered my mask that covered my nose and mouth. I spread out my legs in front of me and readjusted my shin guards and made sure my shoes were tightened properly. I tried to understand why on earth were they in the same jet as me? I hadn't taken my phone because it was useless to bring it, since I could lose it at any given moment. We lifted off into the sky and I looked at the buildings becoming smaller and smaller out of the window. After a few minutes I headed back into the main area of the jet, putting my mask back on. I leaned against the wall and listened to my boss finish up a conversation with a few of my teammates. I looked around and remembered how much it had taken me to be in the position that I was in. The head strike team. It had always been my dream. I smiled at myself thinking about how my parents thought I had been studying to be a doctor, instead I was mastering my fighting techniques. I chuckled a little bit looking down at my feet when I remembered how my parents had reacted when I came home without a doctor's diploma. I looked around again and saw Steve and Natasha talking to each other on one of the benches. They were such legends, and yet when they were left to being together they acted like everyone else. Except they weren't like everyone else, they were Captain America and Natasha Romanov.
"Agent Jaylus!" I heard him call. My name is Alexandra. If people hear that there is a female in the team, they automatically think that I am going to be the easiest to take down. Unfortunately for them, every time they reasoned that way, it ended badly for them.
"Yes?" I said coming up to him straight back and hands to my side.
"We are going to have a last minute briefing later anyways but just so you know, we are going onto a ship to save scientists who are being held captive by hydra members." my boss said in a soft and calm voice. I nodded in acknowledgement. I was about to go back to my seat when I felt someone's gaze on me. I swiftly turned around, only to catch the one and only captain America looking at me. As soon as I noticed him watching he quickly turned his head to look away. I smiled and blushed under my mask. Had he just looked at me? Had i really been noticed by the one and only Captain America.
"We will arrive in the drop zone in 5 minutes." I heard the pilots yell out to the team. We all geared up quickly and headed to the center of the jet for battle plans. Captain America explained his plan of attack and we all listened carefully. As soon as he finished, my boss started yelling our positions out. Captain America watched closely to see who was who, as my boss yelled out our names along with our position. I was last, as always. After he finished saying my position I could feel Captain America still looking at me. I slowly turned my head towards him, and nodded. He smiled and walked over to me. I suddenly felt so overwhelmed. He was walking over to me! Out of all the people, me! I almost shrieked as he came up to me.
"Agent Jaylus, was it?" He asked, in a gentle but stern tone.
"Yes sir." I said confidently.
"I noticed you are the only female in the team." He started, looking around at the other members of the team. I nodded in response. He looked at the mask that was covering half of my face. I point to my mask, as if asking if i should take it off or not.
"Oh no, no. It's fine." He reassures me. Thank god. I could feel my face turning red in embarrassment, he was just so big and imposing. I kind of felt over powered by him. I made sure he could see that I wasn't fighting for power so I stayed standing straight without moving. He nodded at me and walked back to my boss, who was still yelling orders around. I wiped my moist hands on my pants as I went back to my hiding spot, to put my swords in place on my back. I walked back to the middle of the jet to get my parachute on. The doors opened and I saw Captain Rogers looking at me. Well he was mostly looking at the swords on my back, intrigued. He then put his shield on his back and jumped out.
"Did he have a parachute on?" I asked, shocked.
My boss laughed and shaked his head. "Of course not, he is captain America." I was given an earpiece, and as soon as I put it in I heard Captain America saying he would clear the deck for our arrival. I couldn't believe my ears, I was actually on coms with Captain America. The Captain America. I jumped out, did a few pirouettes and then deployed my parachute. I landed softly and elegantly on the deck, and sure as hell, captain America had cleared the deck all on his own. Captain America ran into a hallway, and in our designated order, we followed him in. The strike team separated, each one of us walking into our own hallways. I was ordered to deploy last, so I ended up being alone with Captain America for a few minutes as we ran down the hallways. I couldn't help but notice that he was so big that if someone were to walk up to Captain America, they might not have noticed that I was there. He was just so big, and had such broad shoulders that I could easily hide behind him. I smiled to myself and continued down the hallway. As I saw my hallway come up swiftly, but silently I pulled out my swords. They made a soft shling noise as I pulled them off my back. Captain America turned around suddenly, to the noise of my blades. Once he saw that I had two, one meter long thin sharp swords in my hands, he yet again cocked his head slightly, intrigued. He nodded to me and signalled me to go down that hallway that was coming up. I nodded in response and ran down the hallway quietly. The hallway was empty, so I kept on running without making a sound. I stuck myself against the wall, ready to look around the corner when I had a feeling of being watched. I looked back to the spot I had left Captain america, only to see that he was still there, watching me. Once he saw that I had seen him he quickly started running again. I chuckled to myself, before shaking my head. I need to stay concentrated, otherwise I could easily be attacked from behind. When I looked around the corner I saw three guards spread out along the hallway. Quickly and quietly. I told myself as I fiddled with the handles of my swords. I started running at the first guard, slicing his throat as I ran by. The second one noticed me so he lifted up his gun. Right before he had time to pull the trigger, i jumped and using my legs i put him in a headlock. He immediately threw down his gun to try to get my legs off of his neck. I took my blade and sliced it through his heart before heading to the third one. The third one was already ready for me. I quickly put one of my blades back onto my back and took out a throwing knife. I threw it, still running, and it hit him right in the head. I ran up behind the falling body catching it, making sure it would make no noise at impact. I placed the body down before wiping my blades on a spare piece of cloth.
"Ok, we found the captives, everyone please head back to the quinjet." I heard my boss say over coms. I heard Natasha Romanov say, copy that, and the rest of the strike team followed. I also added my approval before putting my blades back one out my back. I then noticed that Captain america was the only one to have not spoken over coms. Once I had secured my hallway and the ones around it, I decided to head back in the direction Captain America had gone. Since no one was deployed after me, he would be alone in that part of the ship. No one would notice I had slipped away from orders, unless he saw me. I walked down the hallways carefully. I stopped in my tracks, who do i think i am? He doesn't need back up or help, he is captain america after all. I was about to turn around when I heard some rustling going on. I was led to an opening by the sounds of fighting and struggling. When I carefully turned my head around the corner to check, I saw Captain America fighting 20 guards on his own. He was obviously struggling, but I didn't want to help him. I felt like it would be a little embarrassing to be helped by someone half you size and half your level. He managed to take a few down. But he just couldn't get good hits on the others. After a few minutes of debating with myself, I came to the conclusion that he needed my help. I was about to reach for my swords when I realized that any wrong move could end his life. Instead I took out my throwing knives and tightened my face mask. I quickly ran over to the fight. I crouched down, throwing my leg out, making two of them fall. I got up and stabbed both of my knives into their hearts. I pulled out my knives, spun them around in my hands and head locked another one. I couldn't get my blades to his throat before another one noticed. I kicked him hard in the face, using my momentum to throw the one I was head locking on the ground. I stab his heart before getting back up, getting ready for the next attack. Just as I looked up I got a massive punch in the face. It hurt horrendously, but not enough to make me abandon helping captain america. I stood back up, running back at the crowd of guards circling Captain america. I was just about to take another one out as I got flipped over onto my back. I sprung back up and kicked them hard in the face. They went falling back a few meters. I smiled to myself just before almost being knocked out by another guard's fist. I was about to roll forwards to slice the inside of some of the guards' legs when someone got in front of me. I was about to stab their thigh when I realised who it was. Frick, this was supposed to be a secret. He wasn't supposed to see me. Captain America's leg had to be there right at that moment, didn't it. I rolled over onto my side and tripped another guard onto the floor. I jumped up to his chest and stabbed in the heart. One of the guards used my arm and flipped me over. I groaned and sprung back up, I jumped, kicking two of them in the face. As I landed back on the floor another one grabbed me from behind, holding my arms tightly against my body. Since I was pretty short I couldn't use the headbut tactic, but I could step on his foot and fall to the ground in between his legs. I rolled out from behind him, kicking him hard in the back. I looked around and saw that there were only a bunch left. Since I was done helping captain america ut, I tried to make a run for the nearest hallway entrance, hoping he hadn't seen me. I ran through the hallways as quickly as I possibly could. I regretted not going on runs more often. I was already panting really hard from the battle, so running another extra kilometer was not exactly the simplest thing. I boarded the quintet and nodded at my boss. I slowly made my way to the left wing and sat down exhausted. I lifted my blades off my shoulders and wiped the remaining blood off on an extra cloth I always brought on missions. I was still panting heavily when I finished wiping my blades and my knives clean.
"Captain." I hear my boss say. I then heard heavier footsteps walk into the main area of the quinjet. I didn't pay much attention to it and continued cleaning my blades. I slid off my wrist guards and moved my wrists around a little bit, feeling the fresh air cool them down. I then reached down under my calf to loosen the straps of my shin guards. I lifted my mask and undid my pony tail, letting my hair fall onto my shoulders. I made a quick bun, and slumped against the wall, finally being able to breath normally. I was about to stand up and go to the main area of the quinjet when I realised Captain America was still on the jet. You idiot, how could you forget you are on a jet with a celebrity, TWO celebrities even. I quickly remade my tight pony tail and lifted my mask back up before heading into the main area of the jet. I walked in and looked around. I noticed that captain America was sitting on one of the benches with his head in his hands. He looked up at me, and nodded at me. I looked at him as he fiddled with the helmet strap. He then lifted off his helmet to reveal his matted hair. I smiled at him as he passed his fingers through his hair. He looked so cute and exhausted. I suddenly caught myself full on smiling at him, luckily I was wearing a mask. I quickly headed back to my spot, just in time to see Captain Rogers look up at me. I took off my mask and stared out of the window, praying he hadn't seen me help him out. There was a vent that connected my secret spot to an area of the jet. I was silently looking out of the window when I heard rustling through the vents. I turned my head slightly to hear better. Luckily for me it was a conversation in between captain america and black widow.
"Who was that?" She asked.
"Who?" I heard him say, as if trying to ignore the question.
"You know who. Come on tell me." She told him.
"You mean agent Jaylus?" He offered. I suddenly started blushing, when I looked out the window I could see my reflection. I was as red as a tomato, I quickly pulled up my mask, making sure no one had seen.
"Well you remembered that quickly." She said, mocking him.
"Oh shut up." He said in a playful voice. "I am not that bad at remembering stuff."
"No not stuff, just names. And you remembered that one pretty quickly. Way too quickly even." She said correcting him, still in a mocking tone. I heard Captain America laugh through the vents.
"You like her don't you?" She offered. I suddenly felt my heart speed up.
"Wow, wow, wow. Chill. I have hardly met her and I haven't even seen her face yet." He said quickly. I heard some more rustling and the conversation ended. Him liking me? But I was a nobody. How could he like me, he was a super soldier and I was just some agent.

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