Chapter 5: the war event

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That evening I had been invited to a party, through the relationships of my parents. I got dressed in a one piece suit and got my hair done. I never really wore makeup, other than the basic stuff. I slid on some shoes and grabbed my car keys. The location was a half an hour drive from my place so I had  to leave pretty early. I was mentally and physically exhausted from today's mission, so i wasn't going to be able to stay at the party for very long. As I drove, I realised I hadn't seen my parents in 2 years, 2 whole years. I parked my car, which was a turquoise maclaren, in a parking spot not that far away from the party location. This was going to be a pretty big party, meaning that some pretty important people were going to be attending it tonight. I redid my hair quickly before stepping out of my car, I obviously got a few stares from other party members as I closed my door again. I calmly walked over to the party location and was greeted by one of the doormen.
"Alexandra Jaylus, daughter of Lissa and Frederick jaylus." i said, he looked at his list and let me enter. It was happening in an old military base camp, since it was a party to celebrate second world war veterans. I was most probably going to get hit on for most of the evening since I looked weak. I was tiny and I had no muscle showing on my body. Being an introvert also wasn't the biggest advantage, so i had to put on a fake personality. That personality was strong and bold and told people to back off effectively. Although after a while it wears off and i have to escape so i don't faint. I also use the 'i have a boyfriend' tactic, but those don't always work. There are always those guys that say, 'well he doesn't have to find out'. Which is disgusting that someone would think that. I don't have a boyfriend, I have never found someone that I have a crush on. I had a crush once, in upper school, but back then I was the weird nerd with the bruises. I walked into the big room and a waiter came up to me, holding up a platter covered in glasses of champagne. I spotted some familiar faces in the back so I headed over to them.
"Well look who finally decided to show up to the parties she is invited to." greeted my mother as I walked over.
"Mother, father, long time no see." i said as i stopped in front of them.
"At least that stupid place taught you some manners. I see they haven't taught you how to dress yourself though." mumbled my dad.
"I just came over to say hi, so is there anyone that i know here?" i asked, getting straight to the point.
"Since you are already a failure, i think i saw your brother over there." sighed my mother.
"It was good seeing you too," I sighed, as I walked away. As I was walking over to where my mother had pointed, I accidentally bumped into someone.
"Oh my goodness, i am so sorry." I said, covering my mouth.
"Oh no it's my- alex?" I looked up at his face.
"Rod?" I asked. How had I bumped into the one person I knew, my brother.
"We haven't seen each other in ages!" he said.
"I know right?" I said. We hugged each other and when we pulled back I noticed someone was standing next to him, looking awfully mad.
"Oh right, this is Mary, my wife." he said. "Mary, this is alex my sister." I stuck out my hand and we shook hands.
"I didn't know you got married, how long ago was it?" I asked.
"Like a year ago. I really tried to find your contact i-," he said quickly.
"It's fine, I understand. Mom and dad keeping us apart and not giving you my contact." i said, cutting him off. He relaxed again.
"I'm sorry, how have you been? Husband? Boyfriend? How's it like being a doctor?" he asked. I sighed and looked down.
"No husband or boyfriend, and i didnt become a doctor." I admitted.
"Even after all the things mom and dad did to make you become one?" laughed my brother. "So what did you become?"
"Ninja," I smiled.
"No way," he laughed. "You did it."
"Yep, and I'm pretty proud of it." I answered.
"So you're not mom and dad's favorite anymore?" he asked.
"Nope, they hate me." I smirked. "I see your life also went well, what did you become?"
"Well, i actually work in a company named BAXTER. I am in HR." he explained. "Do you really not have a boyfriend?" he asked.
"Nope, no one. I still use the boyfriend excuse to make the weirdos back off though." I answered a little sadly.
Mary laughed a little. "I know exactly how you feel." We kept on making small talk about how our lives had taken a turn for the better. I found out that Mary was actually pregnant with their second child. Rob was getting promoted next week and was getting a huge raise. I told them about how I was in the highest position an agent could get without becoming a leader. They both congratulated me and soon enough we parted ways, most likely not seeing each other for another while. I walked around, greeting people I didn't know and would most probably never see again. I was walking around, going towards the bar to grab another drink when I bumped into someone again.
"How on earth can someone be so clumsy." I mumbled to myself. I looked up to apologize. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out when I realised who it was. We both stood there, our mouths wide open, staring at each other.
"Agent jaylus?" he asked with a big smile.
"Sir?" I asked back. How on earth had I ended up at the same party as a celebrity? We just stood there. Both Steve and I looked at eachother, not knowing what to say.
"How did we end up at the same party?" he asked.
"Well it's definitely war related, since you are here, sir." I answered.
"Do you have any relationship with the war?" he asked.
"Yes, my grandfather was pretty high up in the ranks." I answered.
"Well, I guess you know how I was involved." He sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. He was in a shirt and some jeans, nothing too classy.
"Isn't it a little weird that we have seen each other like 5 times in three days, sir?" I noticed. He was honestly pretty adorable like that- no, what the hell alex. He is captain america, don't become one of those weird fangirls that are obsessed with him. Keep it together at least a little longer. But he was seriously kind of adorable like that. I wanted to touch his hair so bad, to see if it was really that soft. Alex, you are making this way more awkward and weird for yourself.
"Well, if it's destiny or coincidence, we'll never know." he answered. He was staying pretty formal so, so did i.
"Do you know many of the people here?" I asked, looking around. Me being short I could see the backs of everyone's heads. Captain america looked like he could see above everyone's heads though.
"Well, everyone that was part of the war is dead or really old. So no, i don't know anyone here." he said looking around too. "Well i mean, my ex." he mumbled to himself.
"No current girlfriend?" I asked. I immediately wished I hadn't said that. That was way too unprofessional you idiot. Guess who is getting fired next, you.
"Nope, all though nat loves to play matchmaker with other girls and i. I don't have a girlfriend." he answered with a chuckle. The air between us was suddenly not as formal, not as tense anymore.
"Yeah, she's trying to set us up." i laughed. We looked at eachother again. "Unfortunately I won't be able to stay long since I have work tomorrow, so i need to greet everyone before I leave." i said apologetically.
"Well, tell me when you are about to leave, i can walk you back to your car." he offered.
"Will do, thank you." i said, as i walked off. Even if we hadn't managed to talk to each other long, that moment had felt like magic. My face beamed with joy as I walked over to the different officials I was planning to meet. One by one I said hello and they recognized me, saying I looked like my grandfather. How awesome, I look like a hundred year old man. I told myself after every time I got that comment. I was about to head for the door when I remembered what Steve had told me. I looked around, trying to see above people's shoulders. Steve luckily was pretty close to the entrance, so I waved over at him. He nodded and ended the conversation he was having. When I looked at who he was having the conversation with, I realised it was my parents. I slapped my forehead, why my parents. Such a legend should never have to talk to such careless people. He walked over to me with a big smile.
"Were you about to leave?" he asked.
"Well yes, but then i remembered your offer." I answered smiling up at him. He opened the door for me and we both stepped out into the cold of the night. It was a little frisky, but I didn't really want to show it, since the whole gentleman with his jacket would come up. I was a little glad I had parked far away, because that meant I would be in the presence of the legend for a longer period of time. We walked out into the open and started heading for the parking lot.
"I saw you talking to all the officials, how do you stay so confident while talking to them? You always look so relaxed." he said, looking over at me.
"Thank you," I said. "Well, i am actually super socially awkward so i have made myself a public persona. Kind of like a character that I switch into in presence of other people." i answered. I then realised that i had snapped out of that persona, but that i was having trouble snapping back into it.
"Well you are a great actor," he complimented as he looked forward.
"Thanks," I said shyly, rubbing my arm.
"Did you switch back into your normal self?" he asked, noticing my awkwardness.
"Yeah, I guess the switch is broken." i laughed.
"Well, to be honest, I prefer your normal self." he admitted. His eyes then widened, as if he realised what he had just said. He bit his lip in annoyance.
"Thanks, it feels unnatural to turn into that persona some times." i admitted, hoping it would make him feel better. I saw him relax a little bit more.
"Will I be seeing you on more missions?" I asked, breaking up the awkward silence.
"Normally, yes. I am planning on bringing the strike team with me more often. The eh, the efficiency levels are higher." he explained, putting his hands in his pockets. I didn't want to show him that I didn't believe a single bit of what he was saying, so I nodded.
"So how does a legend like you end up at such parties?" I asked, pointing to the building we had just left.
"Relationships," he sighed.
"Do you often get dragged into parties?" I asked, noticing the annoyance on his face.
"Yeah," he admitted.
"And not once you met a girl?" I asked.
"Nope, I did bring one once, we broke up a few weeks later." he sighed.
"Couldn't handle the paparazzis and the fame?" i asked since i was generally curious.
"Nope," he admitted. He looked sad all of a sudden. Had I made him sad? "And unfortunately for you, we are going to be on the headlines tomorrow." I frowned at him.
"Excuse me?" I asked, I wasn't mad, just confused.
"Well, we have had about 2 paparazzis following us for the past five minutes and one just joined them. We are going to be on the headlines tomorrow." he explained. I looked around and sure enough, three paparazzis were hiding behind us.
"I am sorry, I brought you into this." he sighed.
"It's not your fault, being famous is hard. Even though I am no star, I know how hard it is." i said, being on the head strike team had always cast me aside and had always made me stand out and be noticed. It was hard to stay secretive. But at least that was only throughout the shield building, for captain america it was the whole world watching him. He looked up at me and I saw hope and happiness return to his eyes.
"You're the first person to tell me that, thanks." he said standing back up straight. "But you're not a celebrity, are you?" he asked.
"Nope, just head-" he quickly lifted his finger to his mouth. He discreetly finger pointed to one of the paparazzis and I understood.
"Well, being a nurse makes you discover things." I lied. He mouthed the words thank you. Before starting to walk normally again.
"Do you like the mediatic attention?" I asked, as if nothing had happened.
"No, not really. I don't think anyone really enjoys being constantly spied on. What about you, would you like this kind of lifestyle?" he asked.
"I don't mind it, but if I could choose then I would rather not. Unless it's in compromise with something else." I answered. I sounded like such a philosophical idiot.
"Meaning?" he asked, asking me to continue.
"If it's because of a relationship where he is famous, or my job, or my brother. Just something to do with what i love." i explained.
"Have you had a famous boyfriend before?" he asked.
"Nope." I answered.
"Well I hope no one has to put you through the struggle." he sighed.
"Is it really that bad?" I asked a little nervously.
"Yeah," he answered at first. "Gosh that makes me sound like an ungrateful idiot." he laughed. I laughed along with him. I recognised the curb that was coming up, the next turn would lead onto the parking lot. I heard a lot of rustling so I lifted my hand up. Luckily Steve understood he had to stop. I looked around the corner and saw a bunch of paparazzis that had joined up in the parking lot.
"Unless you want to get hoarded by paparazzis, i don't think you should go there." i said, referring to the parking lot.
"Can i have a look?" he asked. I nodded and moved out of the way. He leaned against the wall and looked at the parking lot.
"Yeah, that's going to take me a minimum of 45 minutes to get rid of." he sighed.
"I can walk to my car, it's fine." i added, knowing he was going to have to apologize at some point.
"Thanks, well i'll see you around i guess." he said, before looking me in the eyes.
"Yep, i hope to have a mission with you soon." i finished. We parted ways, turning our back to each other. They were all standing around my car so when I approached they all rushed over to me.
"Are you and Steve Rogers a thing now?"
"Are you two dating?"
"Did he ask you out?"
"How did you two meet?"
"Should we expect to see you two around each other more often?"
"Where did he go?"
"Did you two just break up?"
"Is he back to being single?"
"Who are you?"
"Do you really like him?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"What should we tell the fans?" All of them bombarded me with questions. They shoved microphones to my face.
"I-i," i started. Just then I felt someone behind me. When I turned around I was overcome with relief.
"You shouldn't be expecting anything, we had a formal and professional talk. Thank you." said steve as he pushed the microphones out of the way. Although i hated the whole 'the prince will save you' thing, i was so relieved he had to come to save me. The reporters looked awfully annoyed, but were happy to see they had someone else to interview. He put himself in between me and the reporters, which gave me an opportunity to jump into my car. Once i was in, i noticed he was the one to get bombarded with questions.
"If you get in i can get you out of this." I offered as I rolled down my window.
He turned to me and nodded. "Thanks." I reached over and moved the seat back so he would fit. I then reached over and opened the passenger seat door. He looked as the door went up vertically in front of his face. He sat down and closed the door. He put on his seat belt and I sped us out of the parking lot.
"Thanks," I said, keeping my eyes on the road.
"Thanks," he answered.
"Where should i drop you off?" I asked.
"If i go back to the party i am going to be flooded with questions, so can you drop me off at the shield headquarters?" he offered.
"What are you going to do at the headquarters?" I asked.
"Grab a jet and go home," he answered with a huge sigh.
"You go home by jet?" I asked with a smile.
"Not really, or can you just drop me off on the side of the road next to a taxi stop." He offered.
"I am not leaving you on the side of the road in the middle of the night." I answered.
"Oh come on, what's the worst that can happen?" He laughed.
"You getting kidnapped and then shield has to pay a ransom for you." I answered.
"I mean they can try." He said. "God that sounds egocentric."
"Please let me drive you home," I said looking over at him.
"No it's fine, you already helped me out loads." He sighed. "There is one just a few meters away."
"Well, at least I got to be captain America's get away driver." I laughed. I stopped by the taxi stop and looked over at him.
"Thank you very much," he said, smiling at me.
"You are welcome, and thank you for saving me from the paparazzis." I answered.
"Thank you for getting me away from them." He answered. "I hope we get to work together on more missions."
"Well, I'll be on the strike team if you are looking for me." I told him.
"Got it, I'll see you around." He said before opening the door.
"Bye," I called after him.
"Bye," he answered before closing the door. I watched him get into a taxi and drive away. Had I really just helped captain America. For some reason I felt so peaceful and so relaxed, even though I should be on the verge of fainting. How had I not felt overwhelmed? Captain America was sitting in my car! I drove away and back home.


Please tell me how you are liking it so far so i know if i should continue writing this story. If you have any suggestions you can leave them down in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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