Chapter 4: the test mission

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The next morning was not an easy wake up, but I managed to pull myself out of bed for work. I slid my way into my shield suit and covered it up with some clothes. I looked over at my phone, looking for some messages or information about a mission. There was a message. I froze. I quickly opened up the message only to realise that I had a mission in less than half an hour. I ran around grabbing everything I needed and ran out of my apartment. I jumped into my car and rushed to work. I ran up to my office and dropped off all the stuff I didn't need before taking off my second layer of clothes. I grabbed my mask, my shin and wrist guards, my blades and my two throwing knives. I quickly ran to the elevator, I got up to the helipad and rushed over to the jet. I hadn't had time to check who was on the mission with me, so it was going to be a surprise. I walked up the ramp as I tied up my mask, not exactly looking where I was going. Once I was done tying my mask, I looked up. Where were my teammates? Instead there was a huge figure near the cockpit and another smaller figure sitting on a bench. Natasha rumanov and Captain america? I carefully walked up the rest of the ramp and walked over to the front. I quietly stood behind the both of them, waiting for one of them to notice me. Since they were talking to the pilot they didn't realise I was standing there. Instead I inspected both of them, Captain america had his shield on his back. I was really tempted to touch it, but it was his property. He didn't have his helmet on so I could see his blond hair sticking up. I looked so soft for some reason, now I kind of wanted to touch his hair too. But yet again, that was weird and i wasn't allowed to do that. After a few minutes of me just looking at them, Natasha turned around slightly and jumped.
"Oh my goddess, you scared the hell outta me." she said her hand on her chest. Captain america turned around and noticed me too.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asked, a little concerned.
"I just got here," I lied quickly.
"Ok, then let's get going." offered natasha. The pilot nodded and he closed the ramp.
"You seem confused, is everything ok?" asked captain america.
"Yeah, i just- i didn't know i was coming on a mission with you two less than 5 minutes ago." i explained.
"Well, you know, Steve was begging for you to come. I wasn't agreeing with it at first but i-." started nat with a sigh.
"That is not true," interrupted Steve, by covering nat's mouth.
"Yeah yeah, sure." said Nat, pulling Steve's hand away.
"Nick was amazed by your qualities yesterday so he sent you on a mission with us." he explained.
"Really? But I have been fighting like that since I came." I asked.
"Well Steve must have been the only one to notice." said nat elbowing steve.
"Are you seriously playing matchmaker? I come across one girl and you're already trying to set us up. You know how the last one ended, nat." said Steve, placing his hands on his hips. I just awkwardly stood there, realising how invisible I was.
"There is a storm incoming, you should take a seat." said the pilot as he started pressing buttons. I looked through the windshield and noticed the nasty storm coming up. We made our way to the benches and sat down. I sat down on one bench and nat came to sit down next to me. Steve sat down on the one in front. I lifted off my shoulder pads and my blades and placed them next to me. Steve took off his shield and also put it aside. I reached up to take off my mask, but stopped. Should I take it off? Knowing I had to trust them, I took it off and folded it away.
"So you use swords?" asked nat, turning to me.
"Yes, I prefer using swords." i answered
"That's why you are so good in hand to hand combat." she leaned back against the wall and looked at me. "Do you know how to use a gun?" she asked.
"Yes, but it feels less precise and controlled, compared to swords." i explained.
"Yeah, well Steve uses a frisbee. So out of the three of us he is the least accurate." noticed nat.
"It is not a frisbee," complained steve.
"Then why is it shaped like one and why do you use it like one?" asked nat. Picking it up from the ground.
"Cause that's how my shield works." said steve.
"Can i?" I asked, pointing to the shield.
"Yeah sure," shrugged steve. I reached out and skimmed my hands over the shield. It was so cool to be able to touch such a cool thing. Who gets to touch captain america's shield everyday? Other than Natasha of course. The color was a little faded but it was still the iconic captain america shield. Nat gave it back to Steve and he started eyeing my swords.
"Do you-?" I asked, looking at steve.
"Yes please," he said with kind of an embarrassed smile. I took one out of the holder and passed it to him. He carefully took it in his hands and looked at it.
"Are you sure it is more accurate though?" nat asked.
"Yes, because you have more control over the directing and angle you want to stab someone with." i explained.
"But it has to be close up, compared to a gun which you can fire from far away without being noticed." she answered.
"Yes, but it's noisy." I noticed.
"But no one knows who fired the bullet though." challenged natasha.
"Girls, I think we can all agree Clint is the worst placed here." interrupted steve.
"Who is clint?" I asked, looking over at him.
"He is a friend of mine, he is a professional archer. He is very good at it." explained nat. Steve looked over at me and handed my sword back. We kept on talking, getting to know each other until the pilot yelled out that would arrive soon. We suited back up and got ready to run out of the jet. We landed and quickly ran out. We suddenly started to aggressively get shot at.
"What's the mission?" I asked over coms as I ran behind a car to shield myself from the attacks.
"Take these guys out and bring back their leader so Nick can talk to him." said Steve over coms.
"Agent Jaylus and I can take care of the shooters while you go and get the leader." offered nat.
"Copy that," I said over coms. I ran over to where Steve and Nat were hiding. Steve nodded and headed in another direction.
"What's the plan?" I asked, looking over at her.
"I distract them with my guns and you come from behind?" she offered, reloading her gun.
"Got it." I stretched and ran to the nearest piece of rubble. It suddenly exploded behind me and I went flying into the wall of a nearby building.
"Agent jaylus, you alright?" asked Natasha over coms.
"Yeah, took a bit of a blow, that's it." i said, hiding behind a car and shaking my head.
"What happened?" I heard Captain America ask over comms.
"Agent Jaylus went flying into a wall," explained natasha.
"WHAT?!" yelled steve.
"I'm fine," I sighed, heaving myself up. The explosion had gotten me closer to the opponents, so I drew my blades and snuck behind another piece of rubble. I ran from rubble to rubble, sheltering myself from the attacks.
"Ready?" asked Natasha over coms.
"You've got me covered right?" I asked.
"Yep, 3, 2, 1, go!" I stood up and ran at one of the soldiers. I sliced his throat and headed for more. I saw more of them fall to the ground near me, bullet wounds in their heads. I killed three of them in one swing and ran at another group. I then saw Natasha running up to me. She posted herself behind me and together we got rid of the rest of the guys. Slicing at throats and slicing at hearts while she shot. Once we were done, natsha asked over coms if steve needed help. Right as she asked, Steve appeared out of an alleyway with the boss tied up over his shoulder. We got back into the quinjet and flew back to the base.
"Good job, agent jaylus. Steve was right, you really do know how to fight." said Natasha as she looked over at me.
"Thank you," I said, rubbing my arm.
"Let's hope they will be able to access the cameras so Fury can see what you did." said nat, looking at steve.
"You know fury can access everything, right?" said Steve with a laugh. We continued talking a little bit until we arrived back on the helipad of the office.
"Before we go our separate ways, was this mission confidential?" I asked.
"What do you mean by confidential?" asked Natasha, walking back over to me.
"Like the participants and the intent of the mission." i explained.
"Yeah, let's just keep it confidential so you are not stuck with everyone asking you questions." said natasha.
"Come on nat, the helicopter is going to leave without you." said Steve as he ran down the ramp.
"Oh it better not!" yelled nat as she ran behind him. Being the super soldier that he was, he got their ages before she did. Right as he got in, it started to lift off. Nat had to jump up and catch one of the rails to be able to get on. Steve looked at her for a while before pulling her up. They really looked like good friends. I smiled and headed for the elevator, while loosening my wrist and shin guards. The elevator came and I got in, pressing the 5 floor. Once I got down to my level. I stepped out of the elevator and headed for my office. I was about to open the door when i realized my entire team would be here at this time of the day, which meant, no privacy or secrecy. I walked in and headed for my bag, I grabbed my change of clothes and tried running out of the door.
"Well look who's back." said one of the idiots. I sighed and turned around.
"A mission? This early and without us?" asked my boss.
"It was a last minute call," I explained, trying to turn for the door.
"I bet she went shopping with her sugar daddy." whispered one idiot to the other.
"For the hundredth time, I do not have a sugar daddy." i complained.
"Can we know what kind of a mission it was then?" asked the other idiot.
"Confidential, and Nick was included so if you have any questions you can always ask him." I explained, trying to leave the room.
"Yeah right," said one of them.
"It was so the sugar daddy," said the other. I walked across the hallway and headed to the bathroom. I took off my suit and changed into my clothes. When I got back into the office I shoved everything in my bag and sat down. I opened my laptop and got to work. The day ended quickly and I managed to go home a little early because of my early mission.

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