Chapter 3: the meeting and the explaining

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I walked up to the door of Nick's office and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and heard a voice telling me to come in. I walked in and was invited by Nick Fury to take a seat in front of him. He asked me about my experience in shield and how I felt about being on the head strike team. I told him that I was very honoured and that I was really happy about the place I was in. He asked me about how I felt about Captain america. I was confused and answered that he was a big idol of mine. He laughed it off and went back on topic and asked me a few questions about my life in the shield community.
"You can come in cap." Said Nick Fury as I was about to pack up. I felt a little offended that that was how he was telling me the meeting was over but I didn't say anything.
"No, no, agent Jaylus. I need you to stay here for a few more minutes." I slowly started to sit back down as the door opened behind me. I heard heavy footsteps, uneven footsteps as if he were walking unsteadily. I smiled a little bit as he took a seat next to me. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and felt my checks becoming hot as he looked over at me. I looked over at him and nodded.
"Now that we have you two in the same room." Started Nick fury. "Agent Romanov!" He yelled out, just then another person walked in. This time they were light and controlled. She walked over and stood next to Nick fury. Nick fury turned his head to the right side of his office and pressed on a little remote he had in his hand. As soon as he pressed it, a video of me helping out Captain america showed up. I hid my face in my hands as I remembered fighting the guards. I felt so horrible again, I hadn't wanted to make Captain America look like he needed help. Now I had embarrassed him in front of his boss. Once I heard the video finish I could feel their gaze on me, all three of them. I slowly put my hands down. I carefully lifted my head to look at Nick and Natasha Rumanov's face expressions. She had a proud smile on her face and nodded in approval, Nick was shocked and also curious. I was mostly scared to look at Captain america's face. I slowly turned to him, expecting to see a look of betrayal or sadness on his face. Instead there was a look of shock on his face, on that resembled admirable almost. I frowned a little bit in confusion.
"Are you ok?" Asked nick, noticing my facial expressions.
"Yes sir. I was just expecting another reaction from Captain America." I said carefully. My heart jumped a little bit when I said his name. It made me feel a little weird to realise I was in the same room as him, along with another legend.
"What were you expecting?" He asked curiously, obviously not expecting that response.
"I was expecting to look sad or hurt, because I made it look like he needed my help, me, a little strike team agent. Sir." I said shamefully. I heard a bit of chuckling and turned out to look at Natasha who was desperately trying to hold her laughter back. After a few minutes she exploded out into laughter as she made her way over to Captain america.
"I have never seen you look so shaken and so amazed at the same time." She said holding her stomach and shoving her head on his shoulder. "Come on, your little googoo eyes say it all Steve. You think we haven't noticed, you weren't even watching the goddamn video." He looked so annoyed and yet he also looked amused at the same time. Nick also was having a hard time holding back his laughter.
"You are so going to pay for that." He said under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled under my breath. I felt my cheeks getting hot.
"Ok, you are dismissed. Steve and nat please leave agent Jaylus and I alone." Ordered Nick as Natasha was still wiping away her tears.
"Oh, but I am sure Steve would have liked to stay so he can endlessly stare at her instead of working, nick." Said Natasha as she carefully tiptoed out of the room.
"Ok, now im seriously going to kill you,'' said Steve as he rushed out of the room closing the door behind him. I laughed under my breath.
"Where did you learn these skills?" He asked.
"My grandmother taught me most of it, and then the rest is self taught. Learning most of it was a trial and error." I explained.
"Who is your grandmother?" Asked nick.
"Agent Anna Jaylus." I answer confidently.
"I knew that i had heard that name before. She had to retire at a young age, unfortunately, due to bad injuries. She was a very talented young woman. She never got to show her true potential apparently. She must have taught you everything she knew so that her knowledge didn't go to waste." He said looking into the distance.
"You are dismissed agent Jaylus." Said Nick as he stood up. I nodded and quickly got up.
"Sir?" I asked.
"They moved the training rooms, where are they now?" I asked.
"On level 1, but if you want to find where the two went to fight, you need to check on level -1 on you right once you exit the elevator." He said, just as she was about to exit his office. I hadn't thought about it, but now I really wanted to know. I quickly gathered my stuff and dropped them off in my office before going down to level -1. I grabbed two throwing knives and slid them into the slits I had specifically made for them, on the side of my pants. I slowly and carefully walked out of the elevator. I slowly made my way to the right hallway. I continued a little bit until I saw light under a door. I slowly cracked it open, making sure not to make any noise. I crept inside and hid behind a wall, as I slid down the wall I heard voices. Captain america and Natasha Rumanov were still fighting, and talking at the same time.
"Omg i still can't get over those goo goo eyes." She laughed, yet again I felt my check go red.
"Oh will you shut up about it?" He asked, out of breath.
"Make me." She answered in a provocative tone.
"Oh i- i will." He said in between attacks. I looked around the corner to see them fighting. Captain america was throwing punches and black widow was dodging them easily, she wrapped her legs around his necks and swung him to the floor. I made a mental note to never let her sneak up behind me, and that I could use that in fights.
"Oh, you really went there?" Said captain america warningly. They continued throwing punches and dodging them over and over.
"You like her don't you?" She asked again provocatively.
"Yes seriously."
"You are not going to stop until I admit it, won't you?"
"Fine, FINE, yes i like her. Happy?"
"I mean, i don't exactly mean it. Just to make you shut up."
"Oh but you know that you like her."
"Will you just stop?"
I looked around the corner and saw that his face was red in embarrassment. A few minutes later Captain America finally managed to wrap his arms around Natasha. I felt my checks glow so red, I felt so ashamed. He liked me! I scooched around a little bit, planning on going back to the elevator.
"Who's there?" I heard Natasha ask. I knew that if I didn't come out, they would come get me. I slowly stepped out of the shadows, shyly, scratching my head. Now I felt even more embarrassed and ashamed. I looked up at their faces, Captain america looked generally scared and Natasha was intrigued.
"Well look who it is!" she exclaimed.
"How long have you been standing there?" he asked.
"Oh, I just got here, sir." I lied.
"Well since you're here, do you wanna fight?" Natasha asked
"I hardly slept, so it might not be very good, ma'am." I said, tying up my hair.
"Doesn't matter, lets see what you got."
"No weapons?" I ask as I took my two throwing knives out of my pockets.
"Yeah, no weapons might be better." she said, taking off her wrist guards. I took my knives in one hand and threw them off to the side, landing them right into the middle of a dart board. They skimmed right in front of captain america, who flinched back a little bit as they flew by. I slid off my pants and my shirt, and unrolled the rest of my suit to make long sleeves. Natasha looked a little shocked but also intrigued.
"Ok then, let's go." she offered. She ran at me first and I ducked under her roundhouse kick, kicking her stabilizing leg. She stumbled a bit and I used it to my advantage, I pulled her into a choke hold. She easily flipped me over onto my back and got her fist ready for a punch. I easily slip away, a few milliseconds later, her fist landed harshly right where my head had been. I slid back under her and wrapped my legs around her head, this time flipping her onto the floor. She groaned as she hit the hard floor. She jumped back up and got another attack ready, lifting up her fist getting ready for another punch. This time I wasn't quick enough and got it square in the face. I touched my face, a little trickle of blood started leaking from my check. I wiped it away and ran back to natasha. I could feel the tiredness in my bones, the struggle. I took a quick glance at Captain america who was rubbing his hair, as if he were scared or anguished. I ignored it and kicked Natasha hard in the stomach, making her fall back a few meters. That attack never failed me. She stumbled back up, holding her stomach and smirking at me. She looked back at captain america and winked at him. I could see it and I used her being distracted to my advantage. I slammed my leg into her legs, making her fall back, groaning again. She stayed on the floor for a bit, taking a breather. I walked up to her, holding my hand out, offering to help her up. Instead she grabbed my hand and slammed me onto the floor. Now we were both on the floor, exhausted and groaning in pain. We both sat up, and helped each other off of the floor. I walked over to the sink and rinsed a paper towel in cold water. I pressed it onto my cheek, when I took it off, it was soaked in red blood. I groaned and threw it away, taking a new one. Once the bleeding slowed down, I walked back over to the two legends. I offered my hand to Natasha, who had slumped onto a bench.
"It was an honor fighting against you, ma'am." I said as we shaked hands.
"Yeah well, you gave quite a good kick you know." she said laughing. "I hope your cheek doesn't bruise too bad."
"Oh no, it's fine. I have had worse. And anyways it is not everyday you get punched in the face by the one and only Black widow." I said, laughing awkwardly. She patted the area next to her on the bench, and scooched a little bit to the side. I nodded and slumped down next to her.
"You guys really went full on on eachother, didnt you?" said Captain america laughing, as he put his hands on his hips. Natasha laughed and looked over at me.
"I think we were both a little exhausted before." I said carefully.
"Then we should fight again, when we are both at our full potential." she offered.
"Yeah good idea, then I can beat you fair and square." i said, accepting her offer. I heard Captain America laugh in the background as he hung a punching bag in the back.
"Are you challenging me?" she said. We both laughed, looking over at Captain america who started punching his punching bag. I started to get up from my seat, since I needed to get an ice pack for my cheek. Natasha put her hand on my shoulder, signalling for me to stay.
"He never works out in front of anyone. I think he is trying to impress you." she whispered into my ear. I slowly sat back down and looked over at him.
"Oh wow." I sighed under my breath, trying to show I wasn't all that impressed. In reality though, I was blown out of my mind impressed. I smiled under my breath, I had been able to show what I could do, not on purpose but I had still been able to show him. Now it was his turn, I chuckled to myself.
"Do you like him?" she asked. I opened my mouth about to say no, but couldn't find the courage.
"Does he like me? A nobody?" I asked out loud, I had honestly preferred to have thought it but now that it was out.
"Are you kidding me? He is always looking at you with his googoo eyes!" she exclaimed, a little too loudly. We weren't looking at each other, just leaning in to tell eachother things. We were both looking at captain america, working out intensively.
"How long had you been sitting behind that wall?" she asked.
"Long enough," I laugh under my breath.
"So you heard all of it?" she asked.
"No, not all of it, but long enough." I finished. I looked over at her, I still couldn't believe I was having this conversation with her.
"Are you ok?" she asked.
"I can't get over the fact I am having this conversation with balck widow, looking at captain america workout." I said, looking back over at captain america. She laughed, and we both looked back at each other.
"I honestly think you two would make a great couple" she said leaning over to me.
"I don't know if that would be possible, he is so bold and outgoing and I am shy. I can hardly talk to him without sweating the hell out of my sweat glands. Right now I am still sweating the hell out of my sweat glands, because I am talking to you." I say quickly.
"Are we really that imposing to you?" she asked.
"Yeah, you two are legends here at shield, you two have been my role models for ages." I said looking down at my hands.
"Well, honestly, I wouldn't mind having you on our team for future missions. Steve talked about your background to me. He really did pay attention to you." she said, laughing. Just then captain america punched the bag off of its hooks. I got scared and jumped on my seat. Natsha also got scared and we both looked at each other and laughed. Captain America turned around, with a confused look on his face. He smiled as he looked at both of us hysterically laughing on the bench, with cuts and bruises everywhere.
"I should probably get an ice pack before it's too late." I said, heaving myself up from the bench. She nodded and accepted my held out hand.
"Ok we'll see you around," said Natasha as she walked over to steve.
"See you," I answered back as I grabbed my stuff before making my way to the elevator. As soon as I was out of their line of sight I squealed internally. I had wanted that time to last forever, but if I wanted my cheek to come back to normal soon I had to get an ice pack quickly. I took the elevator up to the kitchen and ran over to the fridge. Took out an ice pack, wrapped it in a cloth and laid it on my cheek. I then decided to make my way back up to my office. The ride in the elevator felt long and empty, since last time there had been captain america with me. I walked through the hallways and made my way to the strike team offices. I knocked and walked in. The entire strike team was there, working in silence. I nodded at my boss and my fellow colleagues and sat down at my desk. I was still jumping on my seat of excitement about the morning I had just had. I tried to hide my excitement as I opened my laptop and opened some files near me. I worked until lunch time, at lunch I made my way to the cafeteria. There were always nice people to talk with, sometimes new people, sometimes former colleagues. My current colleagues hardly realised I existed half of the time, so we hardly ever talked to each other, other than over coms. As I walked over to my usual table, I was greeted by my usual lunch buddies. There were Cassandra the receptionist, Anika a field agent, Mathew an office worker, and Frederick the head of a field team. We ate our lunch together yet again and then I made my way back up to my office. As i checked through my emails, i noticed i had gotten one from nick. I instantly started to panic, how long ago had he sent it? I quickly opened it, only to realise he had just sent me the video from earlier this morning. I opened it, making sure no one could see my screen. I carefully watched as I threw hits and got flung on the floor. I took out my notebook and noted things down that were good, and things that I needed to change. I then rewatched the video to look at what captain america did. I could see him struggle and that as I soon as I got a few of them off him he immediately started getting better hits. I watched till the end, right after I started to run away, I saw him turn around and see me. He then put his hands on his waist and shook his head, laughing. He looked down at all the guards on the floor, and shook his head in disbelief. I smiled under my breath. I kept working until 6, where I packed up, dropped off my icepack and headed for the door. I headed home and quickly went to bed.

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