Death Familly Part 1

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*in the morning* (you live in malfoys house)
Draco: Come on Y/n get up. We're late for the train.
Y/nAhhh, here I am getting up. Ah, why didn't you wake me up early?
Draco:Because i was getting ready for the trip.
*Down in the kitchen*
Y/n and Draco: Good morning, everyone
Bella, Voldemort, Narcissa and Lucius: Morning to you, too. Y/n good luck.
Y/n: thank you.
*at the station*
Draco: I'm going to my friends now and i'll see you after *he hug you*
Y/n: Bye  I'll see you later.
*You found an empty part of the train and sat down*
*You heard someone coming* *It was Hermione, Ron and Harry*
H, R, H: hey can we sit down?
Y/n: Um, yes, of course... Stick to your side.
*You fell asleep halfway through, but you were woken by the train stop*
Y/n: What's going on?
Harry: We've got some kind of obstacle on the way, no big deal.
Y/n: okay thank you...
Hermione: If I may ask your name?
Y/n: my name is Y/n. And you?
H, R, H: i'm Hermione, i'm Ron and i'm Harry.
Y/n: nice...
* You've arrived at Hogwards*
*You sat down for the hat and you got Slytherin*
*Draco was so happy but it was obvious*

*You were late for your first class the next day on Potions class*
Y/n: Sorry, Professor, for my late.
Snape: Miss Y/n, it's not right for you to be late for class on your first day.
Y/n: i'm so sorry.
*Snape winks at you because he knows who you are.
*At the end of the day Snape came to your room*
Y/n: Snape!?
Snape: Umm y/n.. What's going on with your mom and dad?
Y/n: Well, nothing but they sent me here and look at my wand.
*you have Elder wand*
Snape: oh my God. How are you, what! How did you get that and how did he give you that?
Y/n: I have to later when I'm Become death eater to kill Dumbledoor and Harry!!!
Snape: Oh, my God, good to know. I'il take care of you, Y/n Whatever you need, there's a drill in there.
Y/n: thanks and good night.
Snape: good night.

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