Death Familly Part 3

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*in the morning *
Y/n: Dracooo
Draco: what now Y/n!
Y/n: I'll start the plan now!!!
Draco: oh my God, are you crazy?
Y/n: why don't you ask that I can't wait any longer
Draco: but you've only been in school for 1 year
Y/n: you're right, but what am I going to wait for to come to eighth grade and then what. That old man's going to drive me crazy.
Draco: how do you think I've been here for three years
Y/n: I'il wait a while, but I plan to damage Potter.
Draco: ok?
*In a potions  class*
Y/n and Draco: Sorry we're late
Snape:  again, you'll get extra work.
*Hermione, Ron and Harry. They laughed at you*
Y/n: What's so funny, you three?!
They: nothing...
Y/n:It better be nothing.
Snape:Class is over. Y/n and Draco you two stay here for extra work.
Y/n: ahhh my life is hard!!!
Snape: calm down Y/n. You're not going to do any extra work
Y/n: Then what do you want?
Snape: and are you launching a plan today?
Y/n: not all but i'm going to attack Pottah. I'll take him to the meadow and attack him.
Snape: be careful.
Y/n: I'm always careful and that kid can't do anything to me.

*In the hallway*
Harry: what do you want Y/n?
Y/n: I heard Bellatrix killed your cousin. Sirius was?
Harry: I'm not going to talk about it.
Y/n: why Pottah, You're going to start crying and you're going to go to Mommy. Ah yes Your mom's dead ahahhahah.
*Harry started chasing you.
Y/n: come on, catch me. You're going to catch me, eheheh.
*You've arrived at the meadow*
*You took elder's wand out*
Harry: oh my God. Where'd you get that?!
Y/n: Does it matter Pottah!?
*Meanwhile, Draco went to the Snape and said you'd started*
* You attacked him with your first spell and he didn't defend himself.
Y/n: comon Pottah fight back if you can
Harry: crucio
Y/n: hahahah *You defended yourself*
Harry: stupefy
Y/n: crucio
*He didn't get a way to defend himself*
Harry: aaaaa it's hurt!!!
Y/n: haha Part of the plan has been completed!!!
Harry: What's that supposed to overthrow?
*You felt your mark move*
Y/n: ahh
*You rolled up your sleeve and looked at mark*
Harry: you are death eater!! Right?
Y/n: Actually, I'm the leader of death eaters.
Harry: how is that. When's Voldemort
Y/n: Well, you're not pointed, boy. I'm Bellatrix and Voldemort's daughter.
Harry: I can't believe!
Y/n: You'il be dead anyway if you tell anyone! Understand!

death famillyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora