Death Familly Part 8

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*It's getting dark*
Y/n: Where's that Draco anymore? I've got the jitters.
Draco: I'm here lil sis.
Y/n: Thank God. Where is Mom?
Bellatrix: Right here!
*You hugged her*
Bellatrix: My sweetheart!!
Draco: Pathetic
Y/n and Bella: Shut up!
Y/n: I'm not quite ready.
Bellatrix: Yes you are!
Y/n: You stay behind and won't be in for 10 minutes. Understand?
All: Yes.
*You went up*
Dumbledoor: Harry, at all costs, you won't move and hide
Harry: Fine.
Dumbledoor: Somebody's coming, go hide.

Y/n: Well, well, well. Who do we have here.
Dumbledoor: Y/n? Good afternoon.
Y/n: Don't do me any good this afternoon.
Dumbledoor: Please, I can help you not have to do this.
Y/n: You can't! You old goat!
Dumbledoor: Y/n please.
* He took the wand out*
Y/n: Expelliarmus.
Dumbledoor: Good shot. Be good, Voldemort will fool you.
Y/n: Don't  speak out against my father. He wouldn't do that.
Dumbledoor: Father!?
Y/n: Yes and mother Bellatrix!
Dumbledoor: bloody hell!
Bellatrix: Well, I see you're a miracle.
Dumbledoor: Bellatrix, nice to see you.
Bellatrix: Shut up! Do it Y/n.
Y/n: This is the end of the road for you. AVADA KEDAVRA!
* He's falling from the top of the tower now*
*You and Bellatrix and the others are throwing magic into the sky now*

Y/n: Somebody get me that Pottah down there?
*Harry ran to Dumbledore and lay on he*
Harry:No no no no!!!
Y/n: Poor baby POTTAH!
Harry: You! I'll kill you!!
Y/n: Just try!
*You took the wand out*
Harry: Expelliarmus!
Y/n: Snape take  a wand.
Harry: How dare you to stand in fornt of me!
Y/n: Why baby... Pottah..
Harry: Avada Kedavra!!
*He hit you and you fell to the floor*
Bellatrix: NOOO Y/N!
*She picked you up and flew home*
Bellatrix: VOLDEMORT!!!!
Voldemort: What Bellatrix!
Bellatrix: Look at her!! Harry used AVADA KEDAVRA on her!!!
Voldemort: Don't worry, she's fine.
Bellatrix: How can you say something like that! *Crying speeches*
Y/n: m-m-mommy!
Bellatrix: SWEETHEART!!!
Y/n: My stomach hurts because that's where he hit me. Don't worry, I've got four horkus.
Bellatrix: Why didn't I know about it?
Y/n: Umm i don't know why.
Bellatrix: It doesn't matter if you're okay
Y/n: I'm all right.
Voldemort: i love you Y/n. Don't let anything happen to you when you're  killing Harry.
Y/n: Fine, I'm going to torture him first. And then Avada KEDAVRA!! Hehehhe.
Voldemort and Bella: That's our little girl.

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