Death Familly Part 9(last)

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*at the morning*
Bella: Hey sweetheart, wake up. You need to go to school, Snape hold speech today.
Y/n: aahaa yes yes, I didn't forget.
Bella: Good then. Go get dressed and go Draco's already there.
Y/n: Ok momyyy.
* You're dressed and went downstairs*
Y/n: Be all good but I have to go now. Goodbye mom and dad and bye Aunt and uncle.
All: Byee girlll good luck.
Y/n: Yes yes.. Baiii
* you went to school* *You came in the school like yours and Your mantle was flying as to go Snape*
Y/n: Ok, well now let's go.
Snape: Thank God you came I'm nervous.
Y/n: Don't worry all I'm going to take care of it, and I have a surprise.
Snape: What is it
Y/n: You mean who..
Snape: Oh well who?
Y/n: You will see.
*You entered the Grand Hall*
Snape: All today we're going to find out the rules of this school morning since I am now headmaster.
Y/n: First you'll respect in the first place me and then Snape and at the end of the new teacher in school.
* Everyone's wondering what's going on*
Snape: Don't worry, no one will be hurt except those who they try to stop us or hurt  someone with our side.
Y/n: Understand!?
All: Yes!
Snape and you: Good. Now, go to your room.
Y/n: See, it wasn't so hard

*next morning*
Draco: Wake up your ass Y/n!!!
Y/n: I fell asleep again ahhhh!!
Draco: Yep... Let's go to breakfast.
Y/n: Let's go.
Harry: Look, look who's come with  girlfriend, Right Malfoy!
Draco: Shut up POTTAH!!
*You took the wand out and put on Harry's  neck.
Harry: Easy girl it was joke.
Y/n: i don't think so....
Draco: Leave my sister  alone or you're going to be dead.
* You two are left*
Y/n: Draco i have to kill him now!
Draco: Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy, he's an idiot.
Y/n: Yes i know it!
Snape: Hey you two!
You and Draco: Hey Snape.
Snape: What's going on
Y/n: I kill Harry today.
Snape: Well ok? See you soon bayyy!
You two: Byee.

*After a couple of classes you went out you and Draco*
Draco: Very busy day, huh.
Y/n: Yeah, huh. Let's sit down.
Draco: Good idea.
*So did you talk about you two until Hermione and Ron never showed up*
Hermione: Well, well, well who i see here. Y/n dear is it your boyfriend?
Y/n: Are you an idiot? Or you want to be killed chose?!!
Hermione: ha ha funny..
Y/n: Avada Kedavra! * you shoot Hermione*
Ron: Nooooo.. *crys*
Draco: Avada Kedavra!! * he shoot Ron*
Y/n: Well done Draco..
Draco: Only left Harry!
Y/n: Yes, He's on the line tomorrow  I'm so tired today. See you tomorrow i have to go to sleep. Good night!
Draco: Good night sissy!

*The next day In the Grand Hall*
Y/n: Actually yes, i can!
Harry: Crucio!
Y/n: How dare you stupid boy!!
Harry: Senctumspera!
Y/n: You an idiot. Avada Kedavra!!
*you shoot him and he fall down*
Snape: Well done Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks. Let's go home.
*at home*
Bellatrix: what's going on?
Y/n: I killed Harry Potter!!! Wuhuuu
Bellatrix: Yes, that's why your father fell on the floor?
Y/n: Oh my God, is he ok?
Bellatrix: Yes now he is!
Y/n: Thanks God. And i did it Bella i did it!
Bellatrix: Well done sweetheart!
Voldemort: Well done.. I knew you can.
*And so all your's  enemies are dead and you lived so nice and good luck*

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