Donghae and Eunhyuk

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"Fishy!" Was all I heard. I knew that voice from anywhere, my Anchovy.

"Donghae-sshii, why aren't you up yet?!" I heard him bursting through my bedroom door.

"Hyukjae, how did you get in here?" I said looking at him. He was wearing the shirt I gave him, it had big stars on it.

"Duh, you gave me a key like 2 years ago. Now get up! We have plans with Kyuhyun and Sungmin in 30 minutes" He told me, going through my closet.

Hyukjae was my best friend and my Anchovy. We do everything for each other. The only thing we don't share, is a apartment. I wanted him to move in with me but I never got the guts to ask him. Why should I be scared? I've known Hyukjae for 8 years.

"Hae, wear this." Hyukjae said throwing me some pants and a shirt. Of course he picked this. This bright yellow shirt with light, skin tight blue jeans.

I went to the bathroom to put on the clothes. I had to admit, I looked very nice. But the pants are a little uncomfortable in the groin area.

I walked out of the bathroom fixing my shirt. "OMO! Fishy you look fudging amazing! I should be a stylist." He said looking me up and down with his finger on his lip in thought.

"Thanks Hyukie, now let me get finished and we can go." I told him with a smile going back to the bathroom to finish my business.

I finished getting ready and put on my jacket. Hyukie was already on the couch with his coat. It was the middle of winter but I didn't feel like putting on a huge coat, I like to look nice not to be comfortable.

We were out the door and ready to see Sungmin and Kyuhyun.

When we got to the cafe Kyuhyun and Sungmin were already there. I knew we were gunna get a lecture on being late. They were snuggled up to each other trying to look cute for the world to see. Sungmin and Kyuhyun have been dating sense the beginning.

When they were about to kiss Hyukjae just had to say "ANNYEONG!" He yelled running over to them. Sungmin looked pissed.

"Uh, Annyeong Hyukjae." Sungmin said flatly. He kind of rolled his eyes at him but his anger soon subsided.

I walked over there by them smiling. " Sorry Min for being late. It's my fault"

I said sitting down next to Hyuk.

"Hey Kyuhyun!" I said.

"Hey Donghae, haven seen you for a while."

"Kyu, I seen you last week, calm down." I said with a small laugh. The waiter came and took our order, we all ordered a caramel latte.

We talked which seemed like forever till the waiter came back.

"So Min, what you and Kyuhyun been up too?" I asked while sipping my latte.

"Nothing really... But very long nights." He said with a wink.

"Ew Minnie!!!" Hyukjae shouted punching Minnie's arm.

"Well that is true." Kyuhyun said pecking Sungmins lips.

"Not in public." I told them looking around the café.

"Oh clam down Donghae! As Teukie hyung would say!" Sungmin said to me.

I stuck my tongue it at him, he did it right back at me.

We finished our coffees and talked a little more about nothing special.

We then said our goodbyes and me and Hyukjae started to walk home. I always walk him home for some reason. I'm very over protective.I know he can defend himself but its hard to know he might not make it home.

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