Mouse Rabbit Coffee

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We went to Mouse Rabbit Coffee. Owner; Kim Jongwoon. We call him Yesung though.

He is one of our best friends, we also get free drinks from there too!

"I hope we see Yesung." Sungmin said looking around the café.

"Hun, he's always is here." Kyuhyun told him holding his hand.

I really don't like it when they get lovey dovey around me, it gets awkward.

"Min I think he's behind he counter." Hyukjae told him pointing torwards the counter.

Mouse Rabbit Coffee is a fairly big place. Well, Yesungs' family is kinda rich. Yesung is always here, he loves to support his family and things he owns.

"Yesung~ah!" Hyukjae yelled up to the counter.

He looked away from what he was doing. He was looking around the crowded place trying to find out who was calling him. He knew it was one of us, we're the only people to call him Yesung.

He found one of our faces and walked torwards us.

"Hi you guys!" He said pulling up a chair.

"Hey Yesung~ah" Minnie said smiling at him.

"What you guys up too?" He told us.

"Nothing really, long nights, short days you know?" Kyuhyun told him about the winter changes.

"Smart ass." He said looking away from him.

We all just laughed.

"So what are you guys REALLY up too?" He said emphasizing on the "really".

"Nothing really, trying to actually find things to do." I said mixing around my latte.

"Oh I see. You guys wanna go to a party Saturday night?" Yesung told us moving around in his chair.

Yesung always invites us to things. Except if it was someone else's birthday party. I'm not a big fan of birthdays anyway.

"Me and Kyuhyun~ah will go." Sungmin said.

"Who said I wanted to go Min?" Kyuhyun stated with sarcasm.

"Shut up your going." Sungmin told him with annoyance.

Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes. Pecking Sungmin on the cheek.

"I'll go." Hyukjae spoke up from the awkward silence.

"I'll go if Hyukie goes." I said blushing a little. I just stared at my cup trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Okay....." Yesung just said very slowly.

"The party's at Drink and Strip, meet me there at 8 pm." He told us standing up from his chair.

"The hell?! Isn't that, that stripper place by Hyukjae's apartment?!" Sungmin said with fright.

"Yes strippers!" Kyuhyun said with excitement.

Sungmin whipped his head towards him giving him the death glare.

"Uh I mean... Ewwww strippers." He said fixing his statement scratching his head.

"I'm down for strippers." I said smiling a wide smile. Actually not up for strippers but I want to go for a party.

"Heck me too!" Hyukjae said rising from his chair.

I was kind of disappointed that Hyukjae was up for that. But yet again he watches porn.

"Well see you guys there! I have to get back to work!" Yesung told us moving to the counter again.

We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Hyukjae and I one way, Kyuhyun and Sungmin another.

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