Drink and Strip

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They came out looking like mature men.

Sungmin wearing a fitted light pink shirt with light blue jeans and black high top shoes.

While Hyukjae wore the plaid shirt we picked out today with very light colored jeans and white high top shoes.

My mouth was wide open at them. I don't think I'm gay, but they look amazing.

"Donghae close your mouth." Sungmin said going toward me to close it with his hand.

"God damn." Kyuhyun said as he watches Sungmin walk. He ended up slapping Minnie's butt.

"Kyuhyun!" Sungmin said turning around to glare at him.

"Couldn't help myself." He said with a wink.

Hyukjae just stood there watching them flirt.

"Hyuk, you okay?" I asked him trying to get his attention.

He snapped out of it. "Uh yeah I'm fine... Lets go now." He said walking over to go get our coats.


We left straight after we got our coats on. Sungmin was freaking out that we weren't gunna be early. Gosh what is up with him?! He's such a perfectionist!

We actually made it too the club 10 minutes before 8. Sungmin calmed down sense we were early anyway.

"Do you think Yesung is here yet?" Sungmin asked looking around the loud club.

All you saw were strippers and people grinding on each other. The walls were a darker purple with dark wood floors. A big stage was set against the wall for the strippers.

We walked around the club till we found Ryeowook.

He was dancing on someone with blonde hair, a guy of course. Wait... That's Yesung!

"Wookie?" Hyukjae said to him in his ear so he could hear.

"Hyukjae~sshii!" Wookie said turning around to hug him.

"Yesung~ah?" I said in confusion trying to find out if it was him.

"Uhh hi guys." He said shyly.

"You and Wookie huh?" Kyuhyun said with a smirk.

"Kyu, leave them alone!" Sungmin said slapping Kyuhyuns chest. He shut up after rubbing his chest.

"You guys want a drink?" Yesung asked walking towards the bar holding Ryeowooks hand.

"Their so cute." Hyukjae whisperered to me.

I nodded in response. We walked toward the bar to get drinks.

We talked for quite a bit till I wondered, where's Teukie hyung?

"Aye, Yesung... Where's Teukie Hyung?" I asked.

"Oh yeah... Him and Siwon are gunna come at 9. Lets wait for them to see strippers." He said with a smile.

"Ugh." I said with disgust.

"Oh that's right Siwon is a flirt with you." Yesung said.

"No he's a pervert!" I said back taking a sip of my drink.

We waited and waited... Drinking more and talking more till I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to find a face I recognized.

"Hey handsome." They said with a smirk. His dimples showed with it.

"Hi Siwon." I said turning around toward the bar again.

The Things You Ask Me...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon