How could she?

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It is day 1 of college fest and Anokhii and Shaurya are very nervous since they had decided to meet at 8pm. Shaurya didn't know how he was gonna confess and Anokhi didn't know what was she gonna tell Shaurya when he asked her "What did she think of him"

They tried to distract themselves by volunteering to work as event managers for the fest.

You can't stay away from me, can you? Shaurya smirks.

I could say the same for you. Anokhi snaps back.

You're so tiny. You barely even reach my shoulders.

Anokhi kicked Shaurya so that he bent and was the same height as Anokhi.

I maybe tiny but I know how to bring people down to my eye level.

Oh really, Shaurya pulled her closer and they shared an eye lock.

Their eye lock is broken due to Anokhi's ringing phone. It's armaan.

Shaurya's mind: This Armaan and his timing. Ooof.

Anokhi picks up the call and Shaurya hears her say "what is so important that you want me to come to you right now?"

Shaurya clenches his fist out of jealousy.

"Fine, I am coming". He hears her say.

Anokhi, you're not going anywhere. Shaurya holds her hand.

Shaurya, let me go. He's my friend and he sounded serious. I can't leave him. Please trust me Shaurya. Anokhi says this while looking him in the eye.

He lets her go.

Later during the day he is passing by an empty classroom when through a half open door he spots Anokhi and Armaan.

He overhears their conversation

Armaan: Thank You so much Anokhi. I honestly feel so better after confessing my feelings out. 

Anokhi: Don't worry Armaan. I am more glad and honoured that you told me all of this and don't worry, no matter what happens, I am always there with you. Where there's love, nothing goes wrong.

She then gives Armaan a hug.

Shaurya was shocked. He felt betrayed. His angers were as red as blood. He stormed away. 

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