Chapter 51

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"Hannah? Are you ready to go yet? We have to be there in 20 minutes!" Liam called up the stairs as I quickly finished running a brush through my frizzy hair.

"Coming!" I hollered back. I pulled my Uggs onto my feet before stomping down the stairs. Five impatient boys were gathered around the back door.

"Took you that long just to look like that?" Louis teased. I playfully punched him in the arm.


The studio where the photoshoot would be held was more than impressive. Lights, cameras, and stylists flooded the studio-style room. The studio was one large room, with make-up tables along one wall, and a white sheet hanging from the ceiling on the opposite wall. Various cameras, lights, and other photography equipment surrounded the sheet. I guessed that the sheet was the background for the photos.

"What do you think?" Zayn elbowed me as I observed in awe.

"It's pretty cool," I gawked.

"Hello, boys!"

A tall, slender woman approached us with a smile stretched between her ears. She had long, purple hair (yep, I said purple), and two sleeves of tattoos decorated her long arms.

"I'll be your photographer for this project," she beamed after the boys chorused 'hellos' and 'how are you's.'

"My name is Gabby Curtis," she introduced herself. "And I'm a huge fan of your music!"

"Thank you, great to meet you," Louis professionally shook Gabby's hand.

"And who's this little doll?" Gabby bent down so she was at eye level with me.

"I'm Hannah," I spoke for myself before the boys could.

"Our adopted little sister," Liam explained.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Gabby exclaimed. She reached out and stroked my hair. "I love the color, it's fabulous!"

"Thanks," I blushed. "I love your purple."

Gabby stroked her chin while eyeing me from head to toe, as if she were sizing me up.

"You know what I think? I think you're just too adorable to not include you in this photoshoot. Is she not adorable?!" Gabby called to the photography production team. "How cute would it be to have One Direction and their little sister in a teen magazine?" She clapped her hands together. "What do you think?"

I wasn't sure. It sounded pretty fun. I thought I might as well give it a shot.

"It's up to Hannah," Louis declared. "You can be in the pictures if you want to, kiddo."

"Are you sure? I don't know that I want her in the tabloids just yet," Harry said uneasily. "Will there be an article about her?"

"Oh, of course! I need to go call my journalism editor and let her know!" Gabby ran off.

"Harry, it's fine. I'd love to do it," I told them.

"You don't have to you know," Liam said. "Just because she said she wants you to doesn't mean-"

"I want to! And I'm going to." I crossed my arms.

Gabby rushed over to us.

"I just settled it with my journalist! She's getting started on an infographic right away! Are you ready?" She asked me.

"Yup!" I eagerly nodded my head. I had never done anything like this before, and I was excited to try it!

"Okay, so we'll get you into hair, wardrobe, and makeup, and then we'll get started!" Gabby clapped her hands together. "Let's go, people, we have a lot to accomplish today!"

"You'll do great," Louis kissed the top of my head. "Now go get all prettied up."

I nodded and followed an ecstatic Gabby over to the makeup tables, where she introduced me to the makeup artists.

"This is Emma," Gabby motioned to a short, petite blonde woman with an eyebrow piercing. It almost was a stretch to refer to her as a woman, because she appeared to be no older than 20.

"Hi, nice to meet you," Emma lightly shook my hand. "I'll be your hair stylist."

"Cool," I nodded.

"Once you're done with hair, let me know and I'll get you into makeup and then wardrobe, okay?" Gabby patted me on the head. "I need someone to get those boys looking fabulous, ASAP!" She yelled to no one in particular, but various employees rushed over to the boys right away.

"Take a seat right in front of this mirror," Emma gestured. I did as she told me and looked at myself in the large, oval mirror. My hair was not looking too great. I prayed Emma knew what she was doing and could make me look presentable. If I was going to be in a magazine that would be published, I had better look pretty good.

Emma began to comb through my frizzy hair.

"So you, like, live with One Direction?" She asked me.

"Yep," I answered.

"That's pretty cool. What's it like?"

"It's hectic, since the boys are so busy all the time," I explained. "But they're so much fun. I love it."

Emma smiled. "Okay, so, it looks like you straighten your hair a lot, yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well today I'm going to do something a little different," And with that Emma pulled out various tools; brushes, combs, bobby pins, numerous hair products, and a curling wand. The counter where the mirror sat resembled bathroom after Zayn had styled his hair.

After thirty minutes of combing, curling, and spraying, my hair was finished.

My jaw dropped when I saw it in the mirror.

"Do you like it?" Emma asked. "I hope you don't mind, I put in some extensions here and there."

To say I liked it would be an understatement. My normal, medium-lenghth straight blonde hair was gone. In its place, was long, luscious, curly locks. It looke absolutely stunning. Blonde-red curls cascaded all the way down my back and nearly reached my butt. It looked amazing.

"I love it!" I beamed.

"I'm glad," Emma sprayed my head with hairspray one last time. "Now do your best not to touch it."

"Oh, it looks marvelous!" Gabby rushed over.
"You look, like, amazing!"

"Thanks, where are the boys?" I wondered. I wasn't sure how they would react to me being all dolled up.

"They're in a dressing room, don't worry about them! You're gonna be the real center of attention in this magazine spread, hun," Gabby grabbed my hand and yanked me toward another table that looked similar to the one I had just been seated at.

Gabby quickly introduced me to the makeup artist and rushed off, worried about the set being ready on time.

45 minutes later, I was finally ready for the shoot. My makeup artist, Jan, did a fabulous job of transforming my face to that of a model's. In wardrobe, I had been thrown into a simple, stapless navy-blue dress paired with glamorous gladiator sandals. I had never felt so confident and beautiful in my life, and I wished I could feel that way about myself all the time.

"Ready?" Gabby asked excitedly. "You look great."



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't update in so long!

I'll try my best to update tonight, i promise!

And send prayers to ridinghoran cause shes my bae and shes sick today:(

Leave me a nice comment maybe?

Love you all!


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