Chapter 46

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"What the hell was that?!" I hollered. "Jason wait!" I called after him as he ran away as fast as his legs could carry him. I knew he heard me, but he didn't turn around.

I couldn't believe them. Had they followed us all the way to the yogurt place? How the fuck did they know we were there? And why where they there? I was so upset, more so than mad. Jason and I were really hitting it off, and I really liked him. There's no way he'd ever want to hang out with me again after this!

I felt a lump build up in my throat. Although I tried my hardest not to, I began to cry. I wiped my tears away but I knew my eyes were red and puffy. I fucking hate crying, it makes me feel so weak. I turned and looked at both Louis and Liam. They looked furious until they saw my expression, and their eyes softened for a split second. The sympathy in their eyes disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

"Are you fucking proud of yourselves? He'll never talk to me again! You guys ruined everything!" I choked out, no longer giving a shit if they saw me cry. I didn't yell at them, which would normally be my first instinct. I decided I didn't have the desire or energy to begin a big screaming match with them. I turned on my heel and began the long walk home, softly crying.

*Liam's POV*

"Are you fucking proud of yourselves? He'll never talk to me again! You guys ruined everything!" Hannah cried. She turned and began walking towards home. I had never seen her so upset. And although I hated that Jason kid, I never intended to make her cry, and I felt awful about it. Parents aren't supposed to make their children cry.

"That was kind of the idea," Louis muttered under his breath so she couldn't hear.

"Hannah wait!" I called after her. It was at least a 30 minute walk home, and I didn't want her going by herself.

"Don't talk to me," she said without turning around. Well that hurt.

"Get back he-" I started, but Louis stopped me.

"It's not worth it, mate, she's too mad. She needs some time to herself," he said. My jaw dropped.

"Are you crazy? Do you just want someone to try and grab her again?!" I exclaimed.

"I know, but this is a safe part of town, and I don't think it would be wise of anyone to mess with her right now," he said.

"I feel really bad." I said. "I didn't think she would cry. I feel awful. Even if that kid was a douche bag."

"He is a douche bag and I know it," Louis said matter-of-factly.

"I don't know how we'll make this up to her."

Louis arched an eyebrow at me.

"I don't think we need to make anything up to her. Consider this her punishment for lying about where she was and going behind our backs," he stated.

I knew Louis was right, but I still felt bad. Knowing I made my little girl so upset made me feel like shit.

I glanced up and saw paps and flashing cameras surrounding us.

"Well that's fucking great," Louis said. "The last thing we need right now is to be seen all over the headlines for harrassing a teenager."

He kicked the gravel we were walking on.

"Well, let's go home," I said. He nodded and together we walked back towards the car in the parking lot.


I hate them.

I hate them so much.

They ruined my relationship.

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