Chapter 52

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Louis Tomlinson

"Alright, you guys are ready!" Lou exclaimed. She spun my chair around to face the mirror. She hadn't done much to my hair other than brush it over to one side, it reminded me of Sonic the Hedgehog. It still looked better than how I could have gotten it.

"Thanks a lot, Louise, we appreciate it," Harry wrapped our hair stylist in a big hug. Lou Teasdale traveled with us on tour as our hair stylist, so we'd grown close to her.

"Anytime, now hurry up and get out there!" She shoved us out the door back into the studio, where Hannah was being taken care of by the stylists.

My jaw dropped all the way to the floor when I saw Hannah.

She looked so.....grown up.

I almost didn't like it.

Her hair had magically grown 6 inches within the last hour, and she wore a girly dress and girly sandals. She looked so unlike herself, yet beautiful. I was very proud to call her my daughter. But she would be taking all of that off before we left.

"You guys look handsome," she twisted a lock of her (what I presume to be fake) hair around her finger.

"You look, um, great," Liam said. I knew he wasn't thrilled with the way she had been styled, but it was only because she looked older. Liam (as well as the rest of us) were always hoping she'd be our little girl forever.

"Oh, everyone looks stunning!" Gabby quickly rushed over with an expensive-looking camera in her hands. "Let's get started!"

We were immediately bombarded by directors, producers, and other random staff who began to position us on the set.

"She looks like she's twenty!" Liam hissed under his breath so only the boys and I could hear.

"Just drop it Li, we'll worry about it later," I assured him.

"Damn, she looks beautiful," Niall commented.

"Doesn't she?" Harry smiled in awe.

"Okay, for the first few shots, I want some candids of everyone," Gabby got right down to buisness as she began barking out orders.

"What does she mean?" I heard Hannah whisper to Niall. He quietly explained to her that Gabby wanted us to act like we didn't know the camera was there, and to just interact normally with each other.

Spotlights were shown brightly down on us as we began the shoot. The first few shots were candid like Gabby wanted, but then we got to be a little more creative and make up our own shots. Each of us took seperate pictures with Hannah, and I'm sure they turned out great. When it was my turn to take pictures with her, I swooped her up bridal style as she kissed me on the cheek. I was shocked at how easily I could hold her without struggling. She didn't weigh much.

Throughout the shoot, we were all thrown into multiple outfits of different styles. Hannah was loving every minute of the shoot, as if she were born for this.

After we each took our individual shots, Gabby took some of just Hannah. I could tell she felt a little silly, posing in front of everyone, but she eventually got over it. She really did look beautiful.

"Okay, I want all the boys back in, and this time, you're all going to stand shoulder-to-shoulder while holding Hannah. Make it happen!" Gabby instructed.

We finished the shoot within the next half hour, and then we were done. Gabby said she would contact us about the magazine publishing information after all the pictures were edited.

"Thanks so much, we had a great time," Liam shook Gabby's hand.

"I'm so glad I was able to work with you, hopefully I will able to for your future projects!" Gabby waved goodbye before we left and drove home.



The photoshoot had been a blast. For the first time in a while, I actually felt pretty. It was a wonderful feeling. Although the boys and I had already formed a tightly-wound bond, I felt like we really became closer during the shoot. We had all been just letting go, not caring how silly or ridiculous we looked. We were just being carefree and having fun, and looking good while doing it. I was beyond escstatic for the spread to be published!

Shortly after we arrived home, I recieved a text from Jack.

"Want to hang out?"

There wasn't a better way to top off this fabulous day than to spend time with Jack.

"Sure! Why dont ya come over?" I quickly sent before tossing my phone onto my bed. My sweatpants looked more appealing than ever as I peeled off the dress I'd been in all day. I was thrilled when I was told I could keep the clothes I'd been styled in. I threw on my PINK! sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"I could have sworn I bought the 'short' version of these pants," I grumbled to myself as I noticed my pants bunched up at the bottom and dragging on the floor. I pulled out the extensions in my hair and threw it up in a ponytail. The sound of popcorn popping in the microwave lured me downstairs.

I was greeted by Harry as I entered the living room.

"Harry, is it okay if Jack comes over?" I asked with the most persuasive puppy-dog look I could muster.

"Sure," he plopped down on the couch and began to flip through the TV channels. That was easy, I thought as I eyed him suspiciously.

"You two have been spending a lot of time together lately," he commented as I plopped down on the couch beside him.

"Yeah," I shrugged it off. I didn't think Harry would care that Jack and I were dating, so I wasn't sure why I kept trying to hide it.

"I'm sensing a little bit of romance going on here, yeah?" He said, flipping through the channels on TV.

"Maybe a little," I admitted. I wasn't going to tell him anything unless he asked.

The doorbell rang before Harry could interrogate me any further.

"I'll get it!" I called, but Liam beat me to the front door.

"Who's here?" He asked me, opening the door to reveal Jack.

"Hi there!" Jack greeted Liam before giving me a warm smile.

"Hi Jack," Liam muttered before returning to the kitchen. I waited until he was out of the room to give Jack a big hug. I hadn't seen much of him in the last few days.

"Wanna go watch a film? I brought one that I think you might like," Jack said.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked, leading him to the home theatre in our basement.

"You'll see," he grinned cheekily as he shoved the disk into the DVD player. I sat down on the couch where Jack joined me, wrapping a blanket around the two of us. The movie began and The Cabin in the Woods flashed across the screen in bold letters.

"Jackson!" I playfully slapped his arm. "I hate scary movies!"

"Oh come on, this is a good one!" He laughed.

"Nooo! Do you want me to cry?" I whined.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my shoulder.

I furrowed my eyebrows as the intro played. "You're lucky I like you."

Hey everyone! I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in what, like 3 months?? I'm terrible. I've had terrible writers block and I've been so busy, which are dumb excuses and I'm sorry. But yesterday was my last day of school, so I plan on updating a lot this summer! I'm hoping for at least twice a week. Also, I'm working on a new story, and I'm more excited about it than any story I've ever posted.

Leave me a nice comment maybe?


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