He's clingy (Part 1)

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Ciel Phantomhive:
You've been out of the city for a while since you were on a mission by the queen (remember you're the queen's cat). Ciel was bored at home awaiting your arrival back into the city. He missed you dearly but of course would never admit it.

Sebastian would tease him to no end obviously, which ticked Ciel off but he knew that his butler was right in his reaction to your absence. He visited your manor every so often hoping to see you back sooner than expected and forgot to tell him. Of course, that didn't happen. Instead you took longer at the mission longer than you expected, this worried Ciel. He couldn't send and letters to you since you never told him where you were going. It was a top secret mission that no one was to know the details of.

When you finally arrived back from your mission, you, exhausted from the long trip, went straight to bed without notifying Ciel. He wasn't really in your mind right now. All you wanted was a good nights sleep and your favourite food made by your servants.

Ciel visited as usual half-expecting to hear your maid to tell him you still haven't arrived. He barely heard what your maid said and was about to respond with his usual dejected response until he processed what was actually said. From where you were sleeping, you awoke to loud footsteps. "What in the?" you questioned, groggily. Ciel slamming your bedroom door open got you to be fully awake at that point. You snapped your head to the direction of your open bedroom door. Before you could ask Ciel what that was for, he lunged at you causing you to fall back onto your bed with him on top of you.

You both laid there for a couple of seconds before you asked him what was that about. He responded by moving to the side so now he was just hugging you on your side. You two stayed like that for a few minutes until he spoke up. "I was.. really worried for you.. you know?" Ciel spoke up. It surprised you so you didn't respond right away. "Why were you gone for so long?"

"The mission was a lot harder than the queen and I thought it was so it took me a while to think of a better plan," you explained. "I'm sorry for worrying you.." You turn towards him and pull him closer. After an hour or so, you had to go to the bathroom but when you attempted to get up, Ciel tightened his grip. "Love, I need to go to the bathroom." "Hold it in." "I already had been for a while. I'll be back quickly." He finally lets go and you go to the bathroom. After you were done, you decided to go to the library in your manor for a book knowing you'll be in your room for a while.

When you got back, Ciel was pouting with his arms crossed. You tilted your head to the side confused. "You took a while longer than i expected," he pouted. He made grabby hands indicating he wanted cuddles again. This action made me you squeal on the inside and you practically ran into his arms. You two cuddled for the rest of the day eventually falling asleep in each others arms.

Sebastian Michaelis:
You've been spending a long time at the pet store you run. You took in a new animal that took a while to tame. Lots of customers came in to buy as well. This was obviously good for you but you also found it quite draining to do. You had to manage expenses even though your fellow colleagues told you to take breaks. You slept at the store a few times surrounded by papers. You were starting to do all nighters as well causing the circles under your eyes to darken.

You hadn't visited Sebastian in a long time and he was never able to visit you because Ciel was ordering him around a bit more than usual. It was a busy month for the both of you and you both wanted a break. (I know that Sebastian doesn't get tired and can do anything but to just have some sort of plot.. let it be)

Eventually, Ciel finished his work and allowed Sebastian to visit the store and for him to do whatever with you as long as Sebastian came back when Ciel called. At the speed of sound, Sebastian arrived at your pet store in really early morning. The store still had the sign set to "CLOSED". He had the key to the store given by you. He opened the door to a dark store with the only light emitting from the lamp that lit your desk. On your desk was a bunch of messy piles of paper, your lit lamp and of course you sleeping.

Sebastian chuckled slightly at your state and quietly walked closer. Once he reached you, he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear and took a moment to admire your beauty. Leaning down he kissed your forehead which woke you from your sleep. Groggily you sat up and stretched your aching arms. When you opened your eyes, you saw him, startling you slightly. "S-sebastian! What are you doing here?" "I could ask you the same thing." he replied, raising an eyebrow. "Huh? What do yo-" you were confused until you looked at your surroundings. You weren't home like you thought you were, instead you were at the store.

"Oh, well i still have work to do so." you were about to pick up your pen from your desk till Sebastian's gloved hand stopped you by holding your wrist. He bent down to your level so your faces were face to face. He leaned closer so much so you felt his breath on you. Your breath hitched as you started blushing madly. "W-what is i-it?" he sighed before leaning back so he was standing straight and walked behind the desk to your side. He grabbed you bridal style and carried you out of the store. He locked the door to the store while still holding you and walked away towards your home. "H-hey! Sebastian! I still have work to do!" you tried reasoning with him but it didn't seem like he was listening. After a few more minutes, you arrived home.

He unlocked your door (yes, he has the key to your house too) and carried you to your bed. He practically threw onto the bed before joining you on there. He pulled you close behind you so you were cuddling. You tried struggling out of his grip but he was too strong. "Sebas-" you were saying until he silenced you by kissing your lips. "You talk too much. Now let me enjoy this." "but-" "If you're concerned about the store, don't be. I'm sure your colleagues will manage. Besides, the circles under your eyes have darkened indicating that you have not slept well the past month I haven't the opportunity to visit. So, take some rest with me." You were about to argue back until you figured he was right. You relaxed in his arms, smiling as you let sleep take over your body.

A/N: HEY HEY HEY! I am so sorry this took so long! I have had no motivation to write at all these past few weeks and I have exams coming up very soon! So, I'm really busy and stressed at the moment... Hopefully, you enjoyed this part! It's a really long part I realise after I wrote it. Anyways, LOVE YOU ALL! STAY SAFE AND HYDRATED!

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