He finds out you have tourettes (Part 1)

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If you don't know what Tourette syndrome is,
they are uncontrollable movements or tics. These can include movement tics (rapid blinking, shoulder shrugging, etc.) and vocal tics (Grunting, Coughing, etc.). They can be simple (rapid blinking, coughing, etc.) or complex (Hopping, repeatedly swearing, etc.). They worsen when you get sick, stressed, anxious, etc.. I hope I explained that okay. If you're still not sure what the disorder is, please look it up on the internet.

Warning: Swear words!

Thank you, @lucyfamiglietti for requesting this! I hope this is alright with you! If I misunderstood this disorder, please inform me! I am not completely sure about this since I do not have it.

Ciel Phantomhive:
You were sitting in your manor stressing over paperwork. Due to this, your tics started to get worse. You were able to control it slightly while around Ciel so, he isn't fully aware of this. Every now and then a tic will happen while he is around but they are very minor. "Cunt. Bitch." you said while hitting your hand on the table. You gripped onto your hair in frustration. 'Will this ever end?' you asked yourself. You continued to work on your paperwork when you heard a knock at your door. "Yes?" you yelled out. The door opened slightly. "Hello, love." Ciel greeted you as he entered the room. 'Oh no. He's going to find out.' you worried. "How are you?" Ciel asked. "Oh, I'm fine. Just doing some paperwork." You replied, trying to control your tics as you spoke.

"Oh, that's a shame. It seems like your busy. I was going to ask you to walk in your garden with you but I suppose I'll just wait for you." Ciel claimed, sadly as he sat in one of the chairs in front of you. 'Oh god. There's no escaping it now...' you sighed. You blinked rapidly and twitched your nose. You looked up at Ciel. It seems he hasn't noticed anything yet.

A few minutes has passed by now and being able to control your tics seemed to be getting harder. "Ciel! Ciel! Shut up!" you yelled due to your tics. 'Oh god, why'd I have to say THAT?!' you yelled at yourself mentally. Ciel looked up at you worried and confused. "Huh? but I didn't say anything?" Ciel said confused. You sighed, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that."
"What do you mean?"
"Let me explain."
You explained your condition and he listened intently. "Oh, I see. Why didn't you tell me before?" "I didn't think I needed to. Besides, I seemed to control them before." Ciel got up and walked behind your chair to comfort you. "It's okay. Come on, you're very stressed and tired. You should take a break." he suggested, taking your hand and leading you out of your chair. You agreed and walked out of the room.

Sebastian Michaelis:
You woke up feeling horrible. You immediately knew that you were sick and decided to stay in today. You were grateful that today was your day off and one of your colleagues would take over for you.

You knew due to this sickness your tics would start to become more visible. You were making a bunch of animal noises. Tissues were scattered all around you and had medicine at your bed side table. You could barely move and you were just hoping for this torture to be gone soon. "Maybe, I should sleep this out." you said to yourself, laying down on your bed covering yourself with your blanket.

Just as you were about to fall asleep, you heard a knock at your front door. You opened eyes slightly in surprise but closed them again with no interest in getting up and attending to the person at the door. More knocking was heard for a few minutes before you threw your blanket off you in anger. "This better be worth it!" you yelled as you trudged to the door. You practically threw the door open as you yell, "what?" which brought you to a coughing fit making you instantly regret yelling.

"I remembered that you had your day off today and decided to take you out on a date but it seems you're not well." a familiar deep voice explained. You looked up and saw Sebastian at your door. "Oh, sorry for yelling Sebby. Uhm, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." you assured him closing the door not wanting him to get infected by your fever. Only for the door to be forced open again and you getting swept off your feet. You look at Sebastian who is bridal carrying you back to your bed. He sets you down covering you with your blanket. "Don't move. I'm going to take care of you today." Sebastian explained. "No, I can-" you get cut off by your own coughs. Sebastian chuckles slightly. "As I said, I'll be taking care of you."

You give up and lay down on your bed. You slap yourself due to your tic. 'Oh god why' you thought as you looked at Sebastian worried he'll notice your tics but thankfully he was facing the other way soaking a towel in warm water. You tried to suppress your tics when he faced you again. Sebastian smiles as he places the wet towel on your forehead. You smile back. You feel a tic coming but you try to suppress it. He leaves to make you some warm soup and you let your tics start as he's gone.

~Mini time-skip~
You hear him coming back and you meow. Sebastian walks through the door and asks if you own a cat. You say you do not and ask why, acting dumb hoping to fool him. "Well, I heard a cat meow before I came in. Must have been my imagination." He starts to feed you the warm soup. Your nose twitches but it seems he doesn't notice. You've almost finished the soup when you suddenly bark and meow. Sebastian looks at you confused and you apologise. "Why did you start imitating animals, (Y/N)?" You started explaining and he listened intently. "I see. Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't think I needed to." you say rubbing the back of your neck.
"So, was it you I heard meow before I came in?"
"oh uh hehe yeah." you say with your tongue sticking out.
He took care of you the whole day while taking note of what kind of tics you have. You felt better the next day and what surprised you was that Sebastian didn't seem the slightest bit sick even though he took care of you.

(A/N): Sorry for the long wait! I didn't have the motivation until today to finish it. If I represented Tourettes wrongly, please inform me how to improve it! Other than that, stay safe and hydrated! Love you all!!

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