I am NOT Worthless

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I am not worthless,
I am not useless,
One day I will jump high
And show everyone my power,
I will shine bright in that high sky
And you will be down there,
Just looking at me.

I will be on the mountain,
I will be on the cloud,
You will be looking at me,
But can't do anything.
Then my worth will be shown,
Then I'll tell you, that i am not useless.

I am not a worthless kid,
The brightness of my sky will burn you up,
My never ending limit,
Will shove you to the end of your's.
Run as far as you can,
The speed of my words will catch you up.

Now you know my worth,
But you still can't use me,
'Cause I am off your limits.
Now I am flying,
But you cannot bring me down,
'Cause your hand doesn't reach there,
Where I am, high up there.

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