Don't think you are the biggest,
That without you people will not survive.
Don't think you are the world,
That without you it will stop,
That without you it will end.
You are just a part of it,
As 'cause without you it will continue,
It will make its way without even help.
Don't let your ego take over you,
As it will destroy you, like what is done to the junk.
It will bring you to the edge,
Where you will feel like you are not loved,
Where you will start to oppress the people for your satisfaction
And that's the point, where you will lost,
Lost everything what you earned, in your long run.
It will leave you alone, in the dark,
It will separate you from all your loved ones
And make you think to end everything, to end you,
But that's not the truth,
Ending you will not end everything,
It just need a time back, to think
Once identified, turn that ego down
And talk, tell them that you are sorry,
Tell them that you feel guilty
And that will vanish all the griefs.
But, if not done, it will be the real end,
It will destroy your world,
Which was built from all your emotions, all of your happiness and joy and love,
All of that just destroyed in a figgy.
Running away is not the solution, remember,
So don't be a coward, fight.

Again, this one also have a weird inspiration. I think I am going to be a weirdo. Anyway, hope you like it, do conment and vote.

Wait wait wait wait wait.. Yeah, uh, like also 😅

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