No Bounds

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This now familiar environment somehow feels unfamiliar again,
As mesmerising wind blows
I want wear out my mask again
I want to let the air pat my skin
Let the breeze get through me
Making me a pure soul, again.

I want to get back to the old world
Where everyone is free, no bounds,
no responsibilities, caging us in a box,
Where thoughts are free to fly
In the sky which was never too far away.

Why this unfamiliar environment,
Feels so familiar,
Why this unfamiliar cover,
Feels so familiar
Makes me to cover my whites & pinks
Don't letting me express myself
And being a barrier to me.

Why this unfamiliar environment
Makes me want to cage myself,
Why this familiar wind is getting so unfamiliar,
Why my sorroundings seems so dead.
I want to live again, like i wanna be,
I want to live again, like a flying bird in the sky, free.

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