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I wanna be alone for sometime,
I wanna explore me, the inside hiding mine,
Which never came insight,
No matter how much I try.

I wanna be alone, as I'm tired of being in crowd,
Hiding like a coward, never daring to come out,
As the fear of hungry society, biting me take over,
But as it is over, I wanna discover myself around,
I let my gaurd down, as I don't care anymore of the world that surrounding.

I wanna be alone, 'cause I'm exhausted from the race,
In which this world puts me, without asking the interest I praise,
Not want to compete anyone, I give up,
As this race has no definite, but only destruction till the far sight,
I give up from running, as I wanna live my dream for my whole life.

But this surrounding takes me in again,
Pushing me to run this infinite drain,
I still participate, though I may run slow,
I know, I'm not worthy of your praise and glow.

But let me tell you, I will win,
So why not let me have it my way in,
Not asking much from you, but all I need is just....
Please leave me alone,
Please let me be my home, alone.

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